Submit a Deal

Do you have a deal you’d like to bring to the GFA community? We would love to consider you!

How does it work?

Step 1 – First Make Sure You Are In Our GFA Review Directory
We want to make sure all our deals are first listed and reviewed in our GFA Review directory. You can browse for your listing here or you can contact our review team to discuss getting your review expedited (we are constantly adding more reviews).

Step 2- Propose the Deal to our GFA Deals Committee

We don’t just want to take anything! 😉

First – of course the product or service must be related and relevant to our GFA community (cross border business executives doing Amazon FBA, crypto currency projects, import/export, consulting between borders). Second, the price has to be attractive enough for people to want to share it to their friends and those who would benefit from it. Else this deals site won’t stand out and will just be another advertisement in their facebook feed.

We want to provide shock value – and you need to be ready to budget this as a marketing expense to grow your brand and grow your client base – as well as get valuable feedback.