Complete Your Bonus Submission

Please complete the order information below to take part in the CBS2018 bonus. We will use this to issue the winners.

  • What is your e-ticket number (eg: CBS001, CBS105, etc)
    Which of the services / raffles would you like to get or submit to win (if raffle)
    I'm new to Asia and Michael provided me with valuable insights and advice about getting my business off the ground.Joshua Steimle, Forbes Hong Kong
    Whether you are new to China or a vet, Mike should be your go-to guy for advice on market entry, connecting with the right people, and figuring out how to make things happen fast!Brandon King, Smart Intern China
    “Ever wished you had a best friend who knew the ins and outs of doing international businesses through HK? Well now you do (sort of). Maybe he isn’t actually your friend but he will at least make you feel like it. Michael’s podcasts are a true no-BS casual conversation about the questions and answers we are all looking for when starting a HK company. And you’ve got a seat at the table. So pull up a chair, listen up, and enjoy feeling more at ease about doing it big in Asia.”Scott Hardman, entrepreneur, USA

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    Complete Your Bonus SubmissionPlease complete the order information below to take part in the CBS2018 bonus. We will use this to issue the winners.





    CBS2018 Ticket number*What is your e-ticket number (eg: CBS001, CBS105, etc)Which Items Do You Want?*

    Brian Johnson Session

    Meir Simhi Session

    Yun Fulfillment ($1,000 or $500 USD coupons)

    Freda Wan Taobao / Chinese ecommerce session

    Glenn Ball South China Feasilibity & Nogogo coupons

    Ashley’s autographed book

    Zack Franklin in-person FBA audit

    Rico Ngoma 4 sourcing consulting sessions

    Damon Barnhurst Product Royalties Session

    Esteban Kadamani Colombia gifts

    Insight Quality $100 USD bonus

    Forest Shipping 50% on first order

    Danny McMillan Session

    Account Audit with DataBrill

    Freelancer Review with Kyri Theos

    Wechat workshop w/ Matt Brennan (Sunday April 22)

    Daniel Fernandez FBA Consulting Session

    Gilbert Joa Community Building Session

    Davide Nicolucci Listing optimization or consulting session

    Anthony Lee’s giving access to our Bridge software tool for free for 90 days

    Chance Jiang will setup your own “dropbox” for China

    Danielle Santana’s Linkedin for business session

    Michael McGillicuddy Bitcoin startup guide + his altcoin picks

    WCWS 800 USD of coupons
    Which of the services / raffles would you like to get or submit to win (if raffle)

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