EFI Token

We are the manufacturer of Francisco Passenger Jeepney since 1947 and now full electric Jeepneys.

  • White Paper URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZXBuEKsY0ELxaKlmPxSPozLiHp20GAZq/view
  • LinkedIn: https://ph.linkedin.com/in/elmerfrancisco
  • Hardcap: 500,000,000 EFI Tokens

EFI is seeking to build the world’s first and largest exchange of fractionalized
interest, tokenized full electric Francisco Passenger Jeepney (eFPJ) with simple,
direct and low cost peer to peer trading.

Only select top quality eFPJ assets will make it onto the EFI Platform. The EFI
platform allows users to buy and trade (or hold) fractional interests in eFPJ
assets. A portion of the funds will go to acquiring and onboarding as many eFPJ
assets as needed for feeder mass transportation. Once operational and income
earning, these funds are available to “recycle” and buy more eFPJ assets. This
process repeats again and again to grow the collection of eFPJ assets on the
platform. Then, the whole process with repeat itself again and again every 15
years which makes the growth of the EFI Platform unprecedented.