Is it OK to Get Personal? [Video]

Dear Readers,

Greetings from Taipei! Huh, Taiwan? Was invited to take a trip here to host a workshop with the MOX accelerator and share about content marketing. With literally so many things happening – people have not been able to keep up.

So what’s up with today’s email meaning let’s get personal?

Just a quick note and reminder for those that don’t know – I have a personal blog – and have been doing weekly updates for years, in text form. With the huge push for more video on the internet – it has recently evolved to a video update of “me”.

But it is for “you”.

There is so much happening that I hope doing these video updates of what is happening for the upcoming week will allow us to keep in better touch and also see if we can do some business together.

Here’s the video update (spoiler alert – it is with my kids)

Don’t have time to watch the video (it is a bit over 4 minutes, I will try to keep them shorter)? Here are the text highlights:

* Wife is back!
* Bloomberg article (podcast!)
* Going to Taiwan Tuesday to Friday
* Going to Bangkok for a NEAT community event Friday night
* ARC fund – a specific fund
* Cross Border Summit 2020 Still Planning
* New Site for WP2Static (Static Sites)
* HR management – 2020 thinking
* GFA Retreat planning* GFA podcast, ARC podcast

And you can read it and check out other “personal blog” updates here.

This is the second weekly video update – your feedback is appreciated – and if there is something that seems interesting to you – would love to see how we can collaborate.

We won’t be featuring this in every Global From Asia newsletter, but if you are interested in it – is where we will house it.




Michael Michelini

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American internet entrepreneur in China, Asia, and Hong Kong. Helping companies do business globally from Asia

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