Oh, the Hong Kong and China border. How I love thee!
Are you crossing the border?
I have crossed the Hong Kong border up to four times per week at certain times.
There are people whose lives are spent crossing back and forth between Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. Even children, going to school each day, cross early in the morning, normally about 7:30 am to 8:30 am – you will see a large number of children lining up with teachers or school assistants to help them get into Hong Kong to go to school. I don’t believe there are any students going the other way (Hong Kong into Shenzhen), so this tells you which side has the better education system.
This guide is for the business traveler who either crosses the HK / China border for a one-time visit or is trying to figure out the system for a regular commute.
I hope this will serve as a reference you can return to. I will also try my best to regularly update this guide as I learn more and as others contribute their tips and tricks. If you have tips or fixes to this post, please comment so we can keep this as a community resource!
Join Our Border Crossing Wechat Group
Heading to China? Then you probably will download and use Wechat app! We recommend you add us (globalfromasia) and then tell us that you want to join our Wechat group, all about border crossing, for real time help! Scan the QR code to add us.
In Conclusion
Hope that didn’t overwhelm you too much. I count 10 borders between Hong Kong and Shenzhen (Mainland China). Of course, you can also fly directly into China from Hong Kong, and then you would have to enter China customs at that destination’s airport and not any of those mentioned above.
As a border-hopping regular, I hope the above gave you some new ideas for better bridging the “China divide”.
Please comment below with your tips, tricks, and questions. It has become a pretty active comment section for border hopping regulars!
I also have a PDF version of this post for you to download, so you can reference it when you’re on the go and may not have internet.