Podcast on Cross Border Business
What is a podcast? Basically I explain it to those who are not familiar as “internet radio”. This show covers topics for business owners who leverage its power to run an international empire from Asia. Check out the iTunes feed here or our full podcast index here, and we appreciate all honest feedback and reviews (we wrote up directions here)- it helps promote the show.
Latest GFA Podcast
The Global From Asia podcast is a weekly interview show publishing on Tuesday mornings 10am Hong Kong time. Check out our latest podcast today!
Learn about company setup, banking, taxes, and corporate upkeep. Podcast interviews and blogs to help guide you.
Learn how to grow your business with topics on e-commerce, sales, marketing, and logistics.
Want to re-locate to another country? Asia on your radar? Traveling here on business, we have some tips for you!
How To Tune Into The Show
There are a couple ways people normally tune into the show. Normally it is from their smartphone, on either an iPhone or Android. Below I go through each below.
If you want to listen from your computer, you can simply click on the “play button” on any podcast show you see on the site. You can also download the .mp3 file and listen on any device that plays this filetype.
Reviews for the Show!
Love what Global From Asia is doing? A simple (and free!) way to support the show is to spend a few minutes and leave us a review. Not sure how? – we wrote up directions here
Targeted Advice and Spot On!
I loved niched advice and Global From Asia is exactly that. It targets a specific market and really pulls out incredible information about business in Asia, and what is happening in some of the hottest business hubs on the planet. I always love hearing about what is happening in Hong Kong! Keep up the great work!5 stars - by Slappyzsgh from United States on Dec 28, 2017
191 Episodes and Still Going Strong
I’ve listened to 191 episodes and they just keep getting better! – each one is an interview and Michelini gets them to open up on their Asian business experience – what works and what didn’t work – so you can avoid their mistakes. Sometimes in business you’re trying strategies until something works, while the competition circle overhead, and suddenly one chance conversation changes everything – with Global from Asia you’re getting that conversation every week.5 stars - by Max-Martin from United Kingdom on Sep 6, 2017
Best Podcast About Business and Life in China Ever
I have followed this podcast for a few years and listened at least 90% of the podcasts (if not 100%). I just learnt how to leave a review in the last episode(GFA190) as Mike described(Sorry, I know it sounds silly). I have learnt so much in business, entrepreneur, life in other parts of Asia, etc. Even though I just graduated and will start to work in the corporation world first, I still enjoy the contents Mike has created. Thanks for your awesome work, Mike. I will follow your podcast and blog as always. Hope to meet you sometime when I visit Shenzhen, Hong Kong or even in States.5 stars - by Charlie DingDing from China on Aug 30, 2017
Fabulous for all those NOT living in the US
Michaels podcast is one of the best. He provides a really different perspective than so many of the others that are very American centric and tend to revisit the same stuff. I have heard things on Global from Asia that I have never heard anywhere else and I’ve listened to over 1000 ecommerce and Amazon selling podcasts because of the guests he interviews. I always wish they were longer !!!! 🙂
5 stars- by Mummarin from Australia on Jun 8, 2017
Must Listen to Podcast for Doing Business in China
If you looking to do business in China or move to China this is the one podcast you need to listen to. Having been there for over 10 years Mike interviews a variety of guests from importing, exporting, hiring Chinese employees, Amazon FBA, cross border payments and setting up Hong Kong companies for tax advantages. This is your go to weekly digest in doing business in asia.
5 stars- by Lawster101 from New Zealand on Jun 2, 2017
Wow this podcast has taught me so much!
This is a really great podcast with a great mix of topics, it’s really worth a listen, for sure it’s on my list for automatic download, Michael is a great guy and has a great network of superb guests. I’ve been listen to this since I arrived in China in 2012, the crossboarder summit event in Shenzhen every April is also a great event where you can network with a lot of the people Michael has interviewed in the last few years!
5 stars- by Chris - FBA4U from China on Mar 2, 2017
great stuff
if you do or want to do business that involves asia or physical product, listen in
5 stars- by The_Shootist from United States on Oct 16, 2016
A knowledgeable, humble host spills the beans on Hong Kong. Michael knows what he’s talking about. His expertise on Hong Kong is only matched by his humbleness about it. What he knows, he shares and what he doesn’t, he’s honest about. It makes his advice and voiced thoughts a lot more dependable than others who’s main objective is to only appear knowledgeable (even at the cost of authenticity or potential misinformation). If you’re thinking of doing business with Hong Kong and other places in the region, his podcast is a great place to get started.Karsten Aichholz from Thailand on Aug 9, 2016
A must listen if you are into ecommerce and sourcing from China Thank you for the show! I have been following it for almost a year and always get out some very useful and practical informations that I was not able to find elsewhere. Also the variety and caliber of people being interviewed ensure that topics are revisited but always with a different angle. More of the same please!United Kingdom 2016-02-12 5 TomTom1300
Resourceful and Super Fun! I Love everything Michael produces. From his blogs, to his ebooks, to the Podcasts. Every time I read or listen to Micahel’s content I come out feeling more knowledgeable and ready to get back into the hustle of doing business with my Chinese counterparts. Excellent Podcast highly recommended!United States 2016-02-09 5 Omar Abu
I listen to a lot of podcasts: I have a habit of subscribing and unsubscribing after a couple of episodes, but this is one podcast I’ve kept subscribing to! It’s refreshing to hear an entrepreneur talking completely honestly with specific tips, advice about starting a business in China/Hong Kong/Asia. I know a lot of people are interested in setting up a company or doing business in this growing part of the world – there’s a lot of BS and out-dated advice out there but this podcast keeps it totally real. Highly recommend (and check out Michael Michelini’s books too – they continue the mix of personal journey plus actionable advice)Hong Kong 2016-02-09 5 AC8888HK
Awesome guests! Very relevant topics for Internet entrepreneurs. The show always has really good guests on and I’m always learning something new. This is a must listen for anyone involved in online businesses.United States 2016-01-15 5 CAtechguy
Hands down the best Podcast on how to do business out of China and Hong Kong! Michael’s podcast is choc-full of great interviews with folks who either have set up their business in China or Hong Kong, or representatives from Companies based in China/HK that can help you. Each episode provides awesome advice and clever tips from the people who have already gone through the grind, made some mistakes – info that’ll help you navigate your way through the “maze” quickly and relatively stress free. From setting up a company and bank acccount in Asia, to international logistics (and tons more besides) this is an absolute, “must listen” podcast. 5 Stars from me.Australia 2015-11-15 5 Chris @ Hibermate
Awesome: Best Business Podcast for Entrepreneurs in China I stumbled across the Global from Asia podcast by accident almost a year ago now and I’m very glad I did. I’ve listened to every episode since and have gained a huge amount of knowledge in the process. Michael provides an authentic and insightful view of business in China & Hong Kong, particularly for those within the entrepreneurial space, and his range of guests he interviews are always fascinating, bringing with them a fresh perspective on what can be a very complex region.United Kingdom 2015-09-01 5 ShaunCunningham
A great international business podcast with honest and real entrepreneurs The Global from Asia podcast provides you with a great insight on different aspects of international business, my favorites consist of international trading and ecommerce. Not only does Michael come off as a genuine, trustworthy host – but he does a great job in choosing other like-minded genuine guest speakers who provide real world advice and stories that hit close to home. Their stories have motivated me to start getting involved with international business. I truly enjoy listening to the Global from Asia podcast and would certainly recommend it to anyone interested in international business or doing business with China.United States 2015-06-28 5 James Solis
Amazing Content! I have been reading Mike’s blog posts and listening his podcasts since the first episode. Mike is your man if you want to learn more about running a (global) business from Hong Kong/China. Each one contains a nugget of wisdom which you can use to help building your global business!United States 2015-06-22 5 leroyhedge
Outstanding content about Asia I’ve been listening to Mike’s podcast for a while now and he posts absolutely incredible content which I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. He interviews real experts, people with on the ground experience and shares a huge amount of knowledge very openly. This podcast is a major asset to the communityUnited States 2015-05-27 5 oijfoiejrfoierjfer
Californian Living in Shanghai Hi Michael, wanted to give you a shout out for your podcast. I am from California and have spent about 5 years in China and Taiwan. I’m living in Shanghai at the moment and love listening to the podcast while I’m on the road. I’m always communting to furniture factories in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and the podcast helps get my mind going and gives me lots of inspiration and ideas. Appreciate what you’re doing, bringing good minds together and speaking openly to the audience about topics we are all interested in. Keep it up! Greg McGrathUnited States 2015-04-10 5 RioKine
Great real world discussions I found this podcast a few months ago. Now, I look forward to the weekly real world discussions from actual business owners in the region. Keep up the good work.United States 2015-04-06 5 FlyingDebris
A channel where idea and tips you can get I finished the 77th episode in which PJ Entrepreneur is invited. The first time I met PJ was on the Metro, Shenzhen. He told me about his past experience and extremely creative idea on marketing. What encourages me most is PJ’s constantly passion to connect people together to make amazing things happen. I was impressed by PJ’s positive attitudes towards life, work, success and even failure. Thanks for PJ for sharing Ken Robinson’s Book “The Element” and opinion on travelling and making friends with new people.China 2015-03-24 5 brucewang7777
Wow learned a lot Stumbled upon this podcast from a Facebook posting. This podcast has inspired me to move to China!United States 2015-03-24 5 Shenzhenjames
Simply the Best Resource and Insights for Entrepreneurs starting out in Asia For over a year now I’ve been listening to this podcast and it’s simply the best for insights on how to startup and run your business from Asia. Michael’s guests are all experts and hands-on experienced entrepreneurs who share their experience and advice. This has been an invaluable treasure trove of what to do and what not to do when starting-up business in Asia. For me, as I went about starting my own business in China I have been able to save time, money and follow the lead from so many successful people that have do it all before. I highly recommend this podcast if your about to start-up in Asia or like me always wanted to start-up but were afraid to. Even after being in China for almost 18 years, I’ve learnt and benefited so much from Michael’s ability to share advice and bring together such a broad range of experts from so many different fields. Keep it up Michael and thank you.China 2015-02-25 5 FABAPC
Great podcast Full of actionable advice. A must listen for anyone doing business in Hong Kong or China.Austria 2015-02-02 5 David at Fatcat Apps
Must listen for anyone wanting to do biz in HK What an insightful podcast on everything on running a business in Hong Kong. I was worried if I was getting ripped off for my company auditing, listening to the show gave me a much better idea of what costs what. Thank You Global From Asia! United Kingdom 2015-01-20 5 Chi Wai Li
Go to podcast for Biz in China Mike really knows his stuff and this podcast is my go-to podcast for anything related to business in China, particularly import / export and eCommerce which are just the topics most relevant to me. Having been in China a few years myself I know Michael is really plugged in to the entrepreneur scene in Shenzhen and HK and is always ahead of the curve of what’s happening there… so listen up and take notes, basically! 😉 5 Stars. China 2015-01-09 5 R. L. Smith
Packed full of information on real business issues in Asia There are three benefits of listerning to podcasts – inspiration, education and entertainment. Michaels podcast is packed full of education of real stuff that you need to know to do business in the region. Listerning to the podcast saves you time in researching the various things that make business click, not to mention the many tricks and tips that come from doing business in the region during the past 5 years. I highly recommend this great resource.Australia 2014-12-27 5 Neale G O’Connor
Great interviews Very interesting interviewees! Keep it up Mike.Hong Kong 2014-11-28 5 Renaud Anjoran
Great actionable advice I have been listening to Michael’s podcast for a while now and have always found very useful actionable tips that I can use in my business. As someone who has been in China for 5 years and dealing with chinese factories every day, I am able to take a lot of the ideas and plug them into my business straight away. I have also found it to be a great resource for new information in our industry and knowing about the various complementary businesses within the international trade space.United Kingdom 2014-11-08 5 BillGates009
Valuable and Impactful Great to have an on the ground from the trenches source of information of doing business in HK, China and beyond. Appreciate this podcast! Thanks for taking the time to put this together for us!United States 2014-11-06 5 Jason PDX
Lots of great content & advice! Mike has tons of connections and resources in and around Hong Kong and it’s awesome that he takes the time to share their knowledge with us through this podcast.United States 2014-10-19 5 Larz3
Awesome stuff Really enjoy this podcast packed with solid advice about having a business presence in HK and Asia. The world is shifting in that direction and it would be wise to listen up. Thanks again for all the great info and keep it up! United States 2014-09-15 5 rpb1087
Great perspective from a leader in the industry The foucs of this podcast combined with Michael’s extensive Asian experience makes it a must listen for those who are interested in running an Asian focued business out of Hong Kong. I really enjoyed learning about launching a sucessful kickstarter and crowdfunding in Asia. Highly recommended!Canada 2014-09-14 5 aarontschirhart
Informative and actionable Fantastic information for anyone looking to do business in Hong Kong or mainland China. Informative and actionable steps for entrepreneurs at any stage of this process.United Kingdom 2014-09-10 5 jcpeden
Great Advise for Doing Business from Shenzhen I know Mike for many years and am happy he has started this podcast to share the knowledge he has and connections he has made over the years with all the challenges he has faced doing business in China. Really appreciate this podcast and glad he has a lot of them in the pipe.United States 2014-08-20 5 deverman
A trusted voice who shows you how to start up in China! If you’re thinking of basing your business out of Hong Kong but don’t know where to start look no further than Mike’s terrific podcast! He focuses each show on one aspect of running a business from the region, the perks of doing so (Hello SE Asia Travel) and debunks the myth that a HK based company is just for big international corporations. He also features special guests who draw upon their real world experience. There are too few good resources for starting a business from Asia, so finding Mike’s podcast has been a gem for me. Highly Recommended!Australia 2014-07-03 5 Definitely not producer Roffo
Amazing Content One of a kind podcast with great insights and actionable information! Congratulations!Brazil 2014-03-31 5 victorloyal
Amazing Humble and Informative Advice Ever wished you had a best friend who knew the ins and outs of doing international businesses through HK? Well now you do (sort of). Maybe he isn’t actually your friend but he will at least make you feel like it. Michael’s podcasts are a true no-BS casual conversation about the questions and answers we are all looking for when starting a HK company. And you’ve got a seat at the table. So pull up a chair, listen up, and enjoy feeling more at ease about doing it big in Asia.United States 2014-03-15 5 Sthardman
Great insight from people on the ground Michael could probably fill a podcast with just his own experiences and the guests he brings in just multiply that. My todo list of things to look into and books to read is growing with almost every episode, so this is indeed actionable advice.United States 2013-12-07 5 SjorsP
Must listen for Expats in China Like Mike, I am also an expat startup guy trying to make sense of it all in China. I think many of us face many of the same problems with Visas, Business Licenses, and Fund transfers. Thanks Mike for sharing with us your experiences and looking forward to more to come!China 2013-11-21 5 HouseXI1979
Recent Podcast Episodes
Will Ai Agents Get Us All On Ubi? Staying Ahead Of The Ai Disruption Tidal Wave with Richard Patey
February 10, 2025Building Future Leaders – Skills Needed In a World of AI and Autonomous Technology with Don Wilder
January 20, 2025Winning the Tariff Battle: Unlock a 9X Multiplier for Your Amazon Success with Steve Selikoff
January 13, 2025From Cali to Thailand: Will’s Journey in Ecommerce and Amazon Success with Will Rodgers
December 30, 2024Coming to Asia and Finding Freedom & Opportunity with Dano Falk
December 16, 2024Being Thankful (Not Just for The Good, But The Hard Times)
December 2, 2024Tips and Insights on Live Streaming for Ecommerce with Jiewen Shen
November 18, 2024Evolution: On the Canton Fair Floor with Steven Selikoff
November 4, 2024Inside a Chinese Seller Office & Strategy with Easy Pro Design’s Alan and Dylan
October 28, 202411 Years In – Reflecting On Global From Asia (and discuss 2025 + beyond) with Michael Michelini
October 21, 2024Popup Cities in Chiang Mai, Local Community Insights with John Ho
October 14, 2024Mindset – Hersh’s Asia story with Herschel Patel
October 7, 2024Using Calmness as a Strategic Advantage with Alexander Avanth
October 1, 2024Preparing for Cross Border Summit 2024 – What to Expect with Peter Miller
September 23, 2024Share this Post
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Tune In To Global From Asia Now!
There are a couple ways people normally tune into the show. Normally it is from their smartphone, on either an iPhone or Android. Below I go through each below.
If you want to listen from your computer, you can simply click on the “play button” on any podcast show you see on the site. You can also download the .mp3 file and listen on any device that plays this filetype.
Learn about company setup, banking, taxes, and corporate upkeep. Podcast interviews and blogs to help guide you.
Learn how to grow your business with topics on e-commerce, sales, marketing, and logistics.
Want to re-locate to another country? Asia on your radar? Traveling here on business, we have some tips for you!
Thanks for listening!