Join us as we unravel essential insights tailored for e-commerce enthusiasts, exploring the beginner’s guide to SEO and how AI is revolutionizing the process. We have Adam Barker here to equip you with actionable advice and strategies for navigating the SEO landscape effectively. Tune in as we break down the intricacies of content structuring, on-page optimization, and the keys to long-term SEO success. Let’s embark on this journey together as we unlock the potential of your online presence.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Who Benefits:
Explore how both novice and seasoned e-commerce enthusiasts can leverage SEO to thrive in the digital marketplace.
Discover Why E-commerce Provides the Ideal Platform for SEO Mastery
Delve into the symbiotic relationship between e-commerce and SEO, and why this pairing offers unparalleled opportunities for online success.
Elevate Your Brand with Topical Authority Status
Learn actionable strategies to establish your brand as an industry leader and boost your visibility in search engine rankings.
Crafting the Perfect Structure:
Gain insights into effective content structuring techniques that optimize your website’s SEO potential.
On-page Optimization Tactics:
Uncover the secrets to on-page optimization and maximize your website’s visibility to search engine algorithms.
Creating Compelling Content That Converts
Learn how to craft high-quality content that engages your audience and drives traffic to your e-commerce platform.
Unlocking the Power of Backlinks for SEO Domination
Unlocking the Power of Backlinks for SEO Domination
About Adam and how to connect with Adam
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Grab your tickets for Cross Border Summit 2024
Episode Length 47:21
Thank you Adam for being on the show, and thank you everybody for listening in.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Hey everyone. It’s your host, your Girl again, Asha. We’re back with you again and welcome to one another exciting episode of our podcast, episode 432. Stay tuned as we delve into the content for today’s discussion. Let’s do this. Welcome to the Global from Asia Podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
And now your host, Michael [00:00:30] Nicolini. Today’s topic revolves around providing a beginner’s guide to SEO search for engine optimization for. E-commerce. We’ll be, we’ll be sharing essential insights to help you navigate the world of SEO effectively. And of course, with here with me, right here, right now, Mike, to help us out.
Hello, Mike. Good. Yeah. Great job. Doing good. I’m on the road, as you can see. I’m in Hong Kong at Bitcoin Asia here. It’s a, [00:01:00] it’s a couple day event and intense. Mm-hmm. Networking and learning as always. Mm. But, the Adam session was great. It was the first time. Yes. You hosted your folks for that as well.
And then we had online and offline, so we had some of our members Right. Community dialing in on Zoom that couldn’t make it right in person. And we had in people. That was pretty crazy, huh? I mean, Adam did a great job and Right. But we’re trying to do more of that. I think we’re, we’re trying [00:01:30] to evolve the show.
We want, , I was happy to have you exactly. Have you involved too. And also to have, right, yeah. To have the community engaged online and offline. And then of course, we can make this, it’s actually not really a podcast. Wendy’s calling it a workshop, right? It was a pretty workshop session. I think they got into great detail and and insights.
Yeah, that’s right. And yes, you were right. It was actually my first time hosting it, and at first, I, to be honest with you, I really didn’t have the idea of what, [00:02:00] what should I be doing and things like that. But , as, as, as we go through it last time, I was able to like, learn what should I be doing and yep.
Yeah, you have a very good background in there. And yes, I hope to, to seeing you and more speakers and hosting more workshops like that. We have had technical issues and things like that. We have waited, but those are all worth it. So many people attended actually.
How he presented. They like it so much. So I think we [00:02:30] are doing good so far. Yes. Yeah. It’s a high quality stuff actually. Yeah. And we have a new way of working with the speakers. I think after the, after. Let’s just jump into the into the workshop. But after workshop, you and I can talk about some more ways people could right.
Work with Adam and also our events. Mm-Hmm. Future workshops. So let’s, let’s go into the show. Yeah, let’s go. Let’s go. Okay. Let’s go see you. Thank you. Are you looking for USA banking solutions for your e-commerce business? I am [00:03:00] proud to say mercury.com is supporting the podcast here, third year in a row at Global from Asia.
And we’re proud to say it ’cause we use ’em ourselves for many of our own. Amazon brands and e-commerce brands and joint ventures with our US structures. And they’re super easy to do online application, no fees, and they have great customer support. Have helped us with trouble with Amazon Seller Central over the years about some receipts and statements and everything like that.
So we’re so happy to say thank you, mercury, for supporting our show, being a great service and [00:03:30] supporting other e-commerce sellers. We’re really proud to say they’re a sponsor here and we also have a video tutorial as well as an overview and a special. A link with a little bonus for you as well for us under certain conditions.
Check it out@globalformasia.com slash mercury for that information. Thank you for listening and thank you Mercury. Okay guys, thank you very much for joining me here at this talk. Either of the talk is trying to teach an absolute beginner what you guys can do with SEO starting from [00:04:00] nearly scratch. So you need to remember that SEO is quite a deep topic and you can literally speak for hours.
About really small nuance things, but what I’m trying to help you with is what can a kind of a one man band or one woman band do to make some progress this week? Really? So people who are gonna benefit from this, the most slight, I would say, it’s gonna keep, keep people with smaller budgets. So if you have a respectful budget already, say two to three grand a month, you can go away.
And [00:04:30] Highend SO firm. And they’ll just do everything for you. Now, most people in e-commerce, majority of you, I don’t think are gonna be in that position where you can afford to spend two, $3,000 a month hiring someone to do this for you when you can absolutely do this yourself, especially with ai. So if you are kind of a solopreneur or maybe a two man operation, you can absolutely get agency level SEO done at home using not that much knowhow if you just have the basics really well covered.
[00:05:00] You’re gonna be able to do it. So, medium technical skills. I think the majority of you in the e-commerce community have at least made a website before. So chances are what your H ones are, what your H twos are. , A URL is. If you don’t know what these things are, it’s gonna be very difficult for you to do any SEO.
’cause what SEO is really is a specialization of web development that’s core, it’s web development, kind of taken into a specialist area. Studio. So I’m gonna cover a few [00:05:30] sections today of SEO. You kind of break it up into different chunks and you’re gonna need to get, if you wanna make good progress on, on this, you need to go home and study a little bit yourself.
So by all means, look at the recording afterwards, check out the sections, and then just research the sections. Research the things we’re talking about and try and get a wider base because. Gonna be here talking for 20 minutes. I can’t cover that much. Needs a new traffic source. So guys, by a show of hands in this room, has anyone been affected by [00:06:00] Amazon slashing their traffic recently?
No. At least. At least one or two Somewhat. Or commissions? It’s a regular thing. Yeah. So if you need a new traffic source, SEO, it’s definitely gonna be where you can do that. One thing I would’ve noticed is it’s not gonna be, it’s not gonna take a. It’s not even gonna take three months. You need to kind of stick with it for at least six months.
So that’s a really important thing about SEO. You need to stick with it for a long time. It needs to just become a part of your monthly process [00:06:30] in your business. Good news is though, with ai, you can now do everything. You can more or less get it scheduled out in one day, one or two days a month. You can schedule out an entire month worth of SEO.
And that covers the next two. If you’re curious you’re gonna enjoy SEOA lot because that’s just a wealth of stuff that you can learn. And generally speaking, when we’re doing SEO, you need to go into it with a bit of a long term plan. So don’t play around for one month. [00:07:00] If you’re gonna do any SEO, do it for at least three months, guys, at least three months to see any movement.
And from there you can adjust. So why eCommerce is the perfect framework for SEO. Simply put, when Google is ranking a site one of the ranking factors is kind of how well organized a site is. So Google will always show you what it believes to be the best result for a search query and how it decides what the best search result is, is effectively [00:07:30] your authority on the subject.
I’ll come back to this very shortly because I have a, a nicer way to display the information. Again, a quick note on ai. So, as I said earlier, if you pay an e-commerce agency, you’re gonna be paying two to three grand a month for their services. Most of that is tied up in writers. Okay? So a lot of SEO is writing content for your website.
Now, AI has made it so you can completely cut that cost out. You can use AI to write all your content for you and just use your own [00:08:00] human edits and touch. So barrier to entry has gone down massively. With that in mind, it’s not completely risk free using ai. We’re currently not sure what’s gonna happen in the future, so we think we know what’s happening.
It looks like people who are spamming AI content that is 20, 50, a hundred posts a day, those guys are getting punished. And people who are publicly influencing about SEO projects, they’re also getting punished. But people who are just kind of doing one post a day, two posts a day. [00:08:30] Including my own personal test sites are not getting punished.
So as long as you’re not going completely crazy doing 10 posts a day, you’re probably gonna be okay using AI content. With that in mind, if you’ve got completely unlimited pocket size, I would go ahead and hire a writer anyway just to avoid any risk. I do believe the risk is low, but there is some small level of risk.
So if you can afford it, you may as well hire a writer instead. Okay. Our goal. Achieve topical authority status. So I said earlier that Google is [00:09:00] gonna always try and show results that it believes best, serve your query. And one of the ways it decides who to show you is by showing you people who are authoritative on the subject.
So to give you an example, if I’m writing a big website about buds, we’ve got 6,000 pages about buds, Google’s gonna look at that and say, okay, this is clearly an authority about buds. So someone who’s been writing content about one subject or several groups of subjects which are [00:09:30] relevant to each other for a long time, it’s gonna have what we call topical authority.
Another way, and really easy way to think of topical authority is just having written all the content on a subject. So you will eventually run out of content on any given subject, but generally you can just keep writing and writing and writing. But. Google is an algorithm. It doesn’t really do anything but monitor word soup and , it’s looking for keywords and key places.
It’s looking for relevant titles. It’s looking for relevant headaches. [00:10:00] It doesn’t actually know what it is you’re writing. It doesn’t know if what you’re writing is good quality or low quality. It’s just assessing world suit. So the goal is to generate topical authority, and we do that by writing blog post guys.
So. SEO. There’s three major parts to it. Your on page SEO, and I’ll get to this on the next slide. I think your on page, SEO, your content creation, and then your back links, those are the three main things that you need to buy as a beginner. Those are the only three things you really need to know now [00:10:30] in order to start making some progress.
So, in a nutshell, as I just said, first thing I’m gonna teach you is how to structure everything so. I mentioned silos at the beginning of the Talk. A silo is the name that we call, basically just the structure of your content and where it lives in your site and how it’s all linked together. That’s very, very important.
So I’m gonna go over that first, and then we have OnPage, SEO. This is what people think of as your technical SEO. It’s not that complicated guys, especially at beginner level. [00:11:00] You can, you can get this done in a matter of hours. It’s, it’s a one time thing. You can get that done. Very, very.
Obviously that is the creation of content and that speaks for itself and an optional backlinks. We’ll touch on that very briefly at the end. Okay, now this image. Next slide, please. This is a silo, and this is why I think e-commerce really lends itself very, very well to e-commerce. Sorry, SDO lends itself well to e-commerce.
So don’t let this intimidate you. [00:11:30] What we’re looking at is one month of SEO work. So if you are gonna do SEO for yourself, this is what you’d be looking to achieve in one month. Now what we have here is a category page or a single product page. Now, what that means is that refers to each of these boxes, refers to a page on your website.
So when you’re doing SEO, you’re doing SEO and e-commerce either to your category page. If you have a big multi-product site with lots of different categories. You’re doing SEO to the category page of your product. So [00:12:00] let’s say you sell let’s say you’re selling hubs, or you’re selling, let’s say clothing maybe is easier.
So you might have a category page for t-shirts, a category page for shorts, category page for shoes. These category pages, these are where you’re doing most of your SEO and you’re pointing all of your efforts towards those category pages. Now, the way we do that is by writing, supporting content around the subject.
So going back to my example of. T-shirts. You see each of these boxes. So supporting SEO [00:12:30] contents. What this represents is one article answering one query about your topic that you’re writing about. So in the case of T-shirts, , there’s literally unlimited questions you could answer about T-shirts.
What’s a breathable t-shirt? What’s a normal size? You can really go into any amount of depth or lack of depth that you want. The point is we’re just trying to cover the subject as best as we can by writing blog posts on mass, more or less. And the very important part about [00:13:00] this that makes it work is the linking that we’re doing between each of these afterwards.
So you’ll see these arrows. Each of these arrows represents an internal link that’s within the body of your content. So in this case, we have nine blog posts. So this month we’re writing nine blog articles. Okay? So that’s roughly one every three days. Each of these blog articles will be linking to its neighbor, right?
They only link to their neighbors, and then they have one link that points towards our money [00:13:30] page. In this case, our money page is that category page. Yeah, our money page is our category page, and in this case, in the case of eCommerce, so in the given month, you’re writing somewhere between 10, , at least 10 up to, let’s say 30.
Up to say 30, 35. Yeah. Blog posts per month. Each of them, they wanna be somewhere between, let’s say, 701,000 words, each of those blog posts answering [00:14:00] one single query. Now, the reason we’re doing that, as I mentioned before, is to build topical authority. You’re not gonna build topical authority about clothing, writing about hubs and vice versa.
So what we’re doing here is we’re creating a very easy structure for Google to scan. When Google’s scanning your website, it’s just kind of going through all the headings and all the text. What we’re doing is providing very easy navigation around the silo, right? I mentioned silos earlier. That’s this idea that you can cluster your topics [00:14:30] together in kind of this self-contained structure.
So that’s the idea. This is a self-contained structure almost. And you are just writing content about your category page. And the category page is obviously the page you wanna boost. So we’ll come back to that soon. Now on page SEO is something you need to do once, only once. It’s very easy. So the order supporting content and the thought leadership content at the bottom, I didn’t go into any depth, but it’s what it sounds like.
, [00:15:00] also right thought leadership style content. That’s long, long form. These are just answering questions. Your category page needs to have SEO done to it. Now what does that mean? Without going into too much depth? ’cause there’s just no need to do it. It’s so easy to do. Now, it didn’t use to be easy.
All you need to do now is grab a tool or page Optimizer Pro. There’s another one called Surf, SEO. A slide, please. Yeah. So all you need to do is grab page, optimizer Pro or server, SEO. [00:15:30] This is a page I put in myself. Memory for a mattress. This is what the page was. When it was just written by a copywriter with some, well, really it was a category page for memory.
For mattresses. There was not much on there. It was just listings of their products. So they scored 9.5 out of 100, and then you put it into this tool, more or less. It will prompt you on what to write. So SEO is about having certain words in certain places. It’s basically just one big math equation, guys.
It’s just, it’s just it’s just maths [00:16:00] really. It’s a, it’s an algorithm. It has my feelings. If you put the right things in the right locations, the right words, the right frequency you’re gonna rank higher. That’s, it’s just that simple. Mm. So we do not need to go any deeper into this then rabbit tool.
Optimize your page. This one took me two attempts. Anything above 80 is fine. You don’t wanna get too optimized. ’cause then it starts sounding like you’ve written it for a robot. It gets the obvious that you’ve, you are trying to get in the system. So optimize your page. You [00:16:30] only do this once for your important pages.
So in this case, you just only do that to your category page or the pages that you want to boost rankings for. Next. Okay, so this is a slightly more complicated version of what I just showed you, but I just wanna illustrate the fact that these are all self-contained. So in this case, this is a website for hubs.
So this is the same as before, guys. So in the bread one here, this is your category page. So let’s say I’m trying to boost sales for Black [00:17:00] Ginger. I had a black ginger product page. I had my first silo, so that was my first month of content. Possibly using ai, possibly using writers. But the point is, I’m writing these 10 to 30 articles, all of them about black ginger, all of them interlinked in this very precise kind of planned out way.
All of them pointing towards the main page. And the main page isn’t really pointing back, by the way, the main page, just having everything pointed. Added. And that’s month one. So I worked [00:17:30] on month one, black ginger, month two. I’m gonna repeat the exact same process. For a different type of product. So in this case, it’ll be my Stevia landing page or my Stevia product page.
I’m gonna do my OnPage, SEO to it via page optimized pro, and then I’m gonna write lots of content about it, point the content at the page and move on. Month three. Month four. So what you’re doing over time is building topical authority, not just about your whole subject as a whole. So in this case. Hubs [00:18:00] as a whole would be getting topical authority on hubs in general, but you’d also on a less, on a kind of smaller scale, you’d also be getting topical authority on these individual things, right?
So both are happening now. Something that’s really important, and I think the most useful takeaway for people the likely watching this, so probably on the smaller side of business operations, is you guys need the plans out really well. If you kind of go into this. Thinking that, okay, one day I’m just gonna write a piece of content [00:18:30] every day or every three days.
Generally speaking, when I’ve worked with clients and they’ve tried that, it has not worked. People have generally don’t keep up with that kind of an unplanned approach. What you need to do is set away one to two days per week, sorry, once to two days per month with a plan already in place, and then execute the plan.
So very simply, you don’t need to go further on this. All we have. It’s a list of articles that we’re gonna be writing that month. So this is for my black ginger [00:19:00] silo. And as you can see, all of these are just questions. These all very basic questions. Yeah, all of them are questions. I’m gonna answer the questions, build up my authority on the subject link every blog post to my product page.
That’s literally it. But you really need to plan. So this is 15. I advise post every other day. That’s a really good. Kind of amount of frequency you can post with. Yeah, you can use AI to generate them or you can, you have a right to generate them and edit it yourselves. There’s a bunch of ways you can do it, but [00:19:30] essentially you must make a plan ahead of time, say a month ahead of time, and then give yourself a month to actually write the content or release the content.
So ideally you want a content bank of 15 to 30 articles, and then you’re always ahead of the game. ’cause cadence is important. Again, you guys need to stick out this for months. Okay. At least give it at least three months. So if I’m doing this for three months, I probably want one month of content in the bank before I even start releasing anything.
Mm-Hmm. So yeah, you’re gonna need to plan ahead, plan for all three months if you can. [00:20:00] And a quick note on AI part two. But really that’s just to go back to the content plan. So one thing you guys need to avoid if you’re gonna use AI to write content this is super important. I can’t stress this enough.
You cannot use one line prompts. So an example of a one line prompt is write me an article about the benefits of black ginger that is gonna be, it’s not one, it’s gonna be a terrible article. Two, if there is ever any detection in the future, you’re gonna be [00:20:30] the first on the chopping block. Mm. Right? So what you need to do is start with a lot of data.
Now you can still use AI for this. So example, benefits of black ginger. I can go into chat, GBT or Zoom writer, whatever it’s I’m using, and I can say, Hey, chat GBT, give me 10 facts about black ginger. You must cite sources for all of your facts. You mustn’t use any flamboyant language. , you can give it some instructions, and you get 10 facts.
Then you want to probably fact check them, right? And then [00:21:00] you want to have chat gpt. Write each of those facts down one by one. So basically you, you might start with 2000 words, 3000 words, and then you wanna start giving those words a haircut. It’s very important. Don’t go in with a one line prompt and just get a thousand words, a nonsense.
You’ve gotta really kind of guide it where you want it to go. And the best way I found to do that is to start with, use some prompts to get a lot of content on the page, and then use your human editing skills to reduce the content. So it’s kind of the opposite of [00:21:30] writing, right? A writer will sit down with a blank page and they’ll start writing.
As an AI prompter, you wanna do the opposite. You wanna start with 4,000 words and then whi down to 1000 words. And that way you’re gonna get actually good quality content that’s not full of lies ’cause AI will lie to you. And I forgot to ask the questions at the end of every section, but we can go over to questions now.
Questions here, or questions in the see some types. Yasha, is there questions? I see some typing. [00:22:00] Yes. We actually have two questions here. We have one for Will Rogers, but I think it was answered by Tango Studio, but I’m still gonna read it for you guys. What is the for Will Rogers? His question was, what is the extension called?
Tension? We are not, I think it was the page optimizer report. Oh, yes. So that that is a, yeah, it is also a Google Chrome extension, but it is a web app called Page Optimizer Pro. The other one you’re gonna wanna look into is software. [00:22:30] SEO. They’re both neck and neck. I would say Page optimizer, probably my preference of the two, having used them both.
They’re, they’re both excellent pieces of software. Are both paid or free? They are both paid, I’m sorry, they’re probably about $20, $30 a month. It’s been a while. And I’m grand, I’m grandfathered in. Sorry. Yeah, 20, 30 bucks. This is something you really need to do. So when it comes to your on-page optimization, you only need to do it once, but it is one of the best things you can do.
Let’s say you’re kind of hovering on page two or [00:23:00] the bottom of page one. Page three, anywhere in that realm. The best thing you can do to quickly make gains is to do on-page optimization. If you are kind of below that face, then it probably means it’s a topical authority issue. So yeah, if you haven’t op, if you’re already quite high in SAPs and you’ve never done any optimization, do that immediately.
It’s the best thing you can do. Mm-Hmm. To make quick gains. If you’re already sitting on page 10, optimization’s probably not gonna help you too much. It’s more of an authority issue. It’s like how Google sees Google doesn’t really respect your site in general. It [00:23:30] doesn’t matter what SEO wizardry you do.
If you’re right about shoes, , you’re not gonna rank for hubs, that kind of thing. So you must build top authority. Once you have your content silo done for your one products, are you for done forever after this? So that’s a really good question. And it goes down to do you prefer when we working with con, when we’re working with silos, sorry, do we prefer width or depth?
So would I prefer 10 silos, each of them with 30 pieces of content in them, [00:24:00] or would I prefer one silo with 300 pieces of content in it instead? I think that’s kind of what you’re asking. I would personally go for having more pieces of content in one silo. You will run out of content eventually, and you will hit diminishing returns eventually as well, I suppose.
But it depends on a few things, like where’s your money at? So all of your 80% of your money is coming from one product. Yeah. And you’re making, let’s see, you got five products. 80% of your money comes from one. You probably wanna focus [00:24:30] 80% of your content on that one product You. At the end of the day, you need to kind of look at the results you’re getting as well.
So another example that comes to mind is you could have, say an example of herbs, for example. You could be have one silo dedicated to ginger, which is a group I, I’m guessing, a very, very high competition hub. And then another silo dedicated to alaki, which almost no one’s siloed. Mm-hmm. So you really need to decide on a case by case basis, but in general, lean on depths of silo before you [00:25:00] lean on width.
You really can’t make a blanket, blanket approach. When you say one silo, do you mean one page? So let me just go back. Yeah. So a silo refers to a sectioned off piece of your website. So the target page is gonna be your category page, your product page. But when I say silo, I mean the entire thing. So it’s.
Essentially it’s a bunch of content articles pointing out a money page that that’s all it really is. It’s mechanical, it’s a group of products. Yes. It’s not a single, you [00:25:30] wanna do a single product? Yes. Well that depends on what kind of website you, so if you are setting a fancy Yoyo, for example, it’s just the one Yoyo, then you entire website’s just gonna look like one, one product page with as many articles about yo-yo as kind of pointing towards that product page as you get Mm-Hmm.
So I just wanna reiterate. You set a product. Now each silo is going to shoot towards a category page, and each of these, these represents a piece of content just to clear up in case anyone’s confused by [00:26:00] that. These are not products on your website. These are informational queries about your product, and you’re pointing all those information queries at the product page.
Yes. So each one of those would be like an article or like a blog post or something? Yes. Every.
Every block represents a piece of content on the website. Okay? Yes. So when you say that, then you, you said before that the data to be linked to each other. Yes. So do you link those post to each other or do you link the blog post to the [00:26:30] category events? Or both? Or both? Good question. So the arrow represents an internal link, so you don’t wanna over link this.
So you wanna make it very clear to Google what’s involved in this silo. It should be like really very easy to Google to scan it. Every piece of content will link to its neighbor once and then once to the category page. So generally speaking, there’s gonna be three links in each piece of content, but all of them link to the category page.
That’s the most important thing. Yes. So when you say [00:27:00] link, you mean like you’ll reference. You’ll put it in internal link. Yeah. And say like, oh, right. That topic about ginger. Mm-Hmm. Brewing ginger tea. Exactly. Yeah. We’re gonna extend that to how to through it with other herbs or whatever. Yeah. So it has to be, the link has to be within the body of the text.
It can’t be like outside. It needs to be inside the body of the page. And it needs to be hyperlinked within the content, preferably above the fold. So if you guys are familiar or not with the fold, what’s the point at which your page starts to scroll [00:27:30] down? So ideally you would like your links all above the fold, and the reason for that is in case Google decides not to scan your entire page, or if in the future decides to save resources and not scan the entire page.
So just to be safe, we wanna keep those internal links above the fold when possible are using same link text. Good question. So when you go back to the content plan, and I did have a oh, different. Yeah. When you’re planning this site, you gonna plan out your anchor text. What you [00:28:00] don’t wanna do is use the same anchor text every time.
So for example, here I’ve got the anchor text for the link to my product page in this slide. And you’ll notice I haven’t just put buy black ginger, buy black ginger, buy black ginger, buy black, because that looks artificial and Google hates SEOs. So you wanna do what? It’s not the biggest concern, but you do wanna do what you can to just vary that anchor text.
’cause going back to the Yoyo example, say you have a website selling a yo-yo and you’ve got 2000 pieces of content about yo-yos. [00:28:30] Every single one of them says Buy a yo-yo now on it. That’s when you start getting into issues. So, Mm-Hmm. So you sometimes put the actual like naked URL just to make it look more natural.
You can a naked URLs as well. Yeah.
That answer your question? Yes. I think you can ask you a question. Yes sir. On my products? Yeah. I’ve got like category pages, first page. Yeah. I’m pages you categories, requests about, and that takes you to that category. Yeah. Okay. [00:29:00] On that, I’ve got my description of that category. Is that what you’re talking about?
Not through there. That would be, so that would come under your OnPage, SEO and in general? Yes. Now, somebody had asked in the chat if I can show an example of a page’s had OnPage, SEO done to it. I’m not gonna do that ’cause that won’t involve going onto a client’s site. But I can tell you exactly what it looks like.
So have you guys ever been on a category page, right? You’ve got your 12 products? Yeah. And then below the 12 products, [00:29:30] you have a bunch of texts and it’s always. Kind of laid out the same way. It’d be like a bold heading paragraph for text, bold heading paragraph, and text bold. Have you guys seen that at the bottom of pages?
Yeah, that is one page, SEO. That’s what one page SEO ends up looking like. It doesn’t look very complex and it’s not very difficult to do, which is why I gave it hardly any time to call. This has been figured out by, by the notes that be already, sorry. It will be, yeah, it will be on your, because when you, you, you go onto that [00:30:00] page, right?
Which is a category page. That’s for that one category, yeah. And then underneath that you’ve got all your, I’ve got 60 and just some on one category. Yeah. Well, but you can show after the talk, you can show me that. Okay. I’d like to give you an answer, but I,
anyone else. Let’s check how far. I think that’s, that’s all so far. Hyperlink. I can see you understand what anchor internal link hyperlink. Yeah. So basically the same thing. Is SEO work ever done or do you need to keep releasing new articles [00:30:30] forever at the same cadence? Really good question. Kind of depends on your competition.
So if you’re in a niche, I think I ranked East London ear, nose, and throat doctor. Five years ago, it’s still, theres number two, number three all that says, doesn’t say that I’m an SEO God. All that tells me is that no one cares about the term East London t slash no one’s going through it. So if people in your niche are trying to overtake you, the way they’re gonna be doing that is by writing lots of content and also [00:31:00] generating back links if we didn’t cover in this tool.
But generally, if your competition’s putting out a hundred pieces of content per month and you’re not, yeah, you’re gonna get it pushed down, sadly. Sadly. The good thing is, again, with ai, you no longer need to go to a content agency to do this for you, which will set you back thousands. You can literally do it by yourself with a plan as simple as, sorry, it’s already on that.
Yeah, you, that’s all you need as far as the plan goes, Steve, with 15 pieces of content or a hundred pieces of content [00:31:30] and use AI to get writing. You could maybe use a virtual assistant to do it. You could work out your own process. Have the virtual assistant come up. With the actual content using your process, , you can get this done for ultra cheap now.
So we are in a time where you compete with the big boys as of the last six months, I think Tango Studio has a question. She’s raising her hand. Okay. We’ll get you off that I could try to help. Is it necessary to invest in, ah, ref or SEMrush? Which parts do you recommend? Okay. [00:32:00] Typical question. Is it necessary for the layman who’s just ranking his own site?
I would say absolutely not. I use them, but I have an SEO agency, so I need it for convenience and whatever it is, $200 a month, it’s, it’s very much worth it to be honest. It’s worth it. If you have three sites, I would say it’s going to be worth having interest or EMR rather. Group buy. Group buy I I can’t say that, but yeah, send Rush.
Send Rush is the one I prefer right now ’cause it [00:32:30] has the bigger library. Bigger, bigger keyword. I have a free address on the webmaster. Does that still exist? Dunno, but let’s talk about that. It only works for your own website. We can’t see. Oh, yeah. So yeah, there’s free ones. They give you some stats.
Honestly, I, I wouldn’t even know what’s, what’s in there in the free version. Hre has it. It just shows you your data. It gives you like a monthly audio at least something like that. Or show your keyword positions against your, okay. It just doesn’t look. In that case, I’m [00:33:00] pretty sure EMR doesn’t have a free plan.
Could be wrong. I would use hres free plan in that case. ’cause all you really wanna do is track your keywords against your competitors. As for keyword research, , use Google search and stuff like that. Sorry, Google Web Master Tools. Google Search Planner. , Google has tools available for keyword research.
Additionally to that, if you do a Google search, there’s literally 20 different platforms you can do keyword research on that only cost 10, $20 a month. So you don’t need to pay 200 pounds dollars a month just to use [00:33:30] hres keyword research tool. Like you’d only really use that if you’re going quite deep into the weeds on backlinks or generate reports to clients.
So, I, I really think you’re okay without them. We have one for Ash. Has the September update or recent Google update affected your ranking negative or positivity of sites? Have you changed how you do SEOs since these updates? Really good question. So people who ask what, I really don’t wanna say anything that’s gonna get me in trouble and start Stones being thrown, but I’ve worked on about 30 sites.
Okay. [00:34:00] So I have my own company and then I worked with, I was kind of standing on the shoulders of a giant before that, and I’ve worked on 30 sites. Using basically this strategy of all the sites. It’s been very little variation. This strategy has more or less been been good for nine out of 10 of the sites.
This strategy has worked perfectly well. Last year there were quite a few updates. I think three, yes, every site was hit by the update almost immediately. So they all took a ding of traffic. Every single site recovered immediately. What [00:34:30] I noticed anecdotally and through watching, , forums online is people who are relying heavily on backlinks.
Dinged and didn’t recover. Mm-Hmm. I know there’s gonna be, someone’s gonna come in the con in the chat now with an example of a content based site relying on content and not back links and still get hit by the update. I can only speak to my experience and using a content heavy strategy, more or less made my sites immune from updates more or [00:35:00] less.
I’ve got another request to actually see a good page. I don’t wanna out my clients. If there’s in, if there’s you. Sure. But I dunno if you’d like would agree one. A good SEO page. It’s just the way, I mean, I think it’s good SEO page, , so some, some something that would score well. A good SEO page scores?
Well, in these metrics, basically it is a page that has a high pop score or a high surface score.
I mean, goal information does well, [00:35:30] but for me, okay, let’s, let’s get back to that one last ’cause that’s, we’re gonna to take like a big pause to open that up and yeah, let’s let’s just move on from that one. The thought leadership content is external content, right? From other websites linking to yours.
Right. Thanks for the question. Yeah. I see now that maybe not very well experienced in explaining this stuff, so thanks for the question and No, it is not all of this content exists on your site, and the reason we have thought leadership content as well as supporting [00:36:00] content is because. If you are writing about subjects, you need to actually write about the whole subject.
You can’t just cherry pick what you think you could write for. Give you a good example. Let’s say I have a sports site and I’m writing about sports, just all sports in general. I know I can rank for basketball, right? ’cause I’ve done it. I have topical authority there. I know I can rank for it. That doesn’t mean I should just avoid writing about football entirely because I don’t think I can rank for it.
That’s not how an authority on a subject goes about creating their content, creating their site. [00:36:30] So thought leadership content is content not necessarily written, just frank. All of these, as I showed you before, these are just questions. They all supporting questions, you can answer a question very easily.
Generally when, yeah, if you are really an authority in your subject, you’re not writing for Google, you’re not writing for SEO, you’re writing about something because you are the authority on it. So you don’t just skip out certain subjects because you don’t think you can rank for them putting in more effort.
Well, it’s also could be more creative and yeah, exactly. And maybe backlink [00:37:00] attracting Exactly. Yeah, drastically. Like some kind of like something current events or something about the company. Yeah, exactly. Not all content needs to be SEO focused content. You’re trying to get something from, normally you’re trying to get something from it, but it doesn’t have to be just written for the point of juicing up your category page.
It can also be. , like you said, to track back links or to put opinion pieces out there. Or maybe you’re actually passionate about your subject, which is the, ideally you’re actually passionate about something and the thought leadership stuff, this is like easy stuff for [00:37:30] you to write. This is just what you write.
’cause everything about your subject. And then the supporting content’s, what you end up writing, because that’s what you kind of need to write.
I think I I sort of answered myself. Okay. Maybe see if we have more question. I have Ash. What are some major incorporate EEAT signals on your post Pretty d Good question there. So what Google wants to make sure, and this is much more important now, I don’t think it’s super relevant to e-commerce. And the reason I reason I say that is because.
EAT is about your expert [00:38:00] expertise, authority, and trust, right? So essentially it means do you exist? Are, are you a thing? Are you, are you actually an entity that exists or you, some guy who lives in Asia and he’s just made a site attached to no one and it’s just floating around the side of space and you’re using SEO Black Magic to make sales.
Off the record, E-A-E-A-T is there to stop people doing that. So Google is tracking what kind of an expert, expert you are on a site. And in my agency, what we’re doing is [00:38:30] focusing on the footer and the header more or less. So you are gonna want a post author, but as much as possible, you’re gonna want a post author for all of your posts.
You need to attribute the post to someone. So again, you can’t just be some random guy who doesn’t exist writing random AI posts. Like that’s not gonna work. You need to attribute it to an author. Preferably more than one author, and I will bring that back to another point. Let’s say you are writing one post every day on a site, and that’s a good cadence for you right now, [00:39:00] and you wanna increase that cadence.
Something to, for example, to boost EAT. Something you might do is create a second author and then attribute all the posts to the second author. I can be, , I can be your mom, anyone with social media presence really, as long as it is a real person. So you want your address to answer the question quicker.
You want the address phone number. In the footer, socials in the footer or header and author. In the blog posts, and as well as the author, your author needs an author page, preferably linking back to a [00:39:30] LinkedIn, that sort of thing. But I know that’s not always possible. I have question. Yes. I think that’s it for the livestream questions.
The domain name, should you choose your brand name like your, like a keyword rich domain, like. As for buying a domain name, if you have money, even if you don’t have money, you wanna buy an age domain. I think So. Expired domain drop dropped. Yes. Yeah, I think so. And I know you can pick ’em up. I got punished or something.
You can, well, maybe I’m, no, people are still very much still doing it, so [00:40:00] Yeah. Maybe some people are being punished for, but that may be to do with like redirecting or something like that. And maybe a bit outside of my level of its kind of tactics I use. Not that’s, that’s a bit more gray, black hat, like, but just for buying an age domain, you, I think you can do that.
Quite sure you can do that. And you at least spend $20 on an age domain if you can lot, , a lot of Amazon sellers, they have websites have no, no traffic, no content. Yeah. They have to get it. ’cause the brand registry requires ’em, they’re like a single page site. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Should they board, , build that up or [00:40:30] should they, I mean, I usually tell people to get like a more content rich style domain. It’s not your company’s brand. Very good. Very good. So I’ve done some work with lawyers and this is the exact process that lawyers would take. So they’ll have their domain with all of their lawyers on it and their services.
But then let’s say you’re like a sexual assault lawyer, then they’ll have a website about sexual assault and it’ll have a disclaimer on it saying. , we may refer you to people we work with, and then that site will be at the content [00:41:00] side. So yes, people do do that. As to whether or not that would work on Amazon.
I’m sorry, I can’t speak to that. My gut would say yes, you’d wanna build your, your, your branded domain up. Just ’cause I don’t see any reason not to reason, opinion.
If it looks more like an informational site, it looks more natural and it might get more backwards. So if you wanna kind of pretend to make a kind of a fake user generated content site. Yeah. Yeah. If you can [00:41:30] go at that scale, I’ll say that’s a really good approach because then you’d still be redirecting people to the same Amazon page.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. There seems to be no harm in either approach. Honestly, I’m finding it hard to answer your question and pick one. I like. I like your approach. I also like the idea of having, having everything on one domain. Well, like I go kind of crazy. I have my brand website, I have a third party website, and then I even buy product specific domains for one product list.
Sometimes I’ll build up a whole site for one product that’s. [00:42:00] And I’m still sent to Amazon. Yeah, I would love to, again, because I’m not super familiar with Amazon side, I would love to see that if you’ve got some time later just so I can, just so I can get a mental image of Sure. What what it is. Yeah. Okay, guys, I think that’s questions unless we have any more in here.
Rose, the same strategies apply to YouTube here. I, I’m sorry. I dunno. Anything about YouTube?
You can have, so sometimes YouTube videos will appear in position zero, what we call featured snippet. [00:42:30] And that’s when you type in a search query and it appears straight away. So how to optimize YouTube video for those snippets? I, I don’t know. Can it be done? Yes. Is it something you should focus on?
I would say probably not, unless you are creating a lot of video content as targeting ultra niche things that aren’t very competitive. I would stare away from going after feature snippets. So one thing I did that’s outdated was I, I ranked really well on Google for blogs. Mm-Hmm. And we made YouTube videos for those top blogs.
Yeah. Embedded those blogs in our [00:43:00] website and then that mm-Hmm hmm.
Low, we wrapping up? Yeah. Battery running low. But yeah, I mean, YouTube authorization, I, I wrote, I’m not sure if you’re talking about organic YouTube or external website or. But I think any search engine is, whether it’s YouTube, Amazon, Google, their job is to find the best content for that user. The search should not for, they’re not serving you, they’re serving the person’s search.
It [00:43:30] say on Google, does the same apply to YouTube? It optimizing on Google. I’m sorry. I can’t, I don’t experience can’t. Yeah, that’s hard. I gave you my, my gut instinct would be don’t focus on trying to get that position. Zero featured snippet. With videos, unless you’ll have a really, unless you have a niche that not many people are targeting because yeah, it’s just our focus on content.
How about like, your contacting you or, I think it’s on the slide. Oh, sure. , like, we to work with you or something.
So if anyone [00:44:00] wanted to ask any questions or if they perhaps wanted this content plan. If they want me to email over them, this example, my email address is here, Adam at Aval launch, gg. So if you wanna get in contact with me or ask for any resources, we’ll just chat about SEO. Probably be quite happy to share if I can.
If I dunno, I’ll just say, I dunno, but, alright, thank you. That’s great.
Save the date, Cross-Border Summit. 2024 is coming [00:44:30] back. 2020 threes was epic. Never got such great feedback. And all of our events. Cross-Border Summit 2024. We’re planning already a year in advance. Save the date. November 14th and 15th will be the core event, but of course it is a full week at. Of amazing things.
There’s pre-event, post-event workshops, trainings, elephants, sanctuaries. We have a lot of amazing things here in Chiang Mai, Thailand again, so I would love to see you there. We’ve already pre-sold some [00:45:00] tickets to previous people. We will be opening up tickets soon. Subscribe to get updates at 2024 dot cross-border summit.com.
Also, check out videos and testimonials from last year as well as all of our years. We did ’em in China, and this will be our. Sixth one. It’ll be great to meet you there and network and make some great relationships. I can’t wait November, 2024. Alright, so that was a great one. I mean, I learned some things.
I mean, I’ve been doing, yeah, but I learned a [00:45:30] lot and thank you Adam. Thank you Adam. That was amazing. That was fun. Yeah, that was one. I hope you enjoyed it guys. And as you can see, was able to explain the things like very, very specifically and briefly. So yeah, you make sure you watch it all. Don’t skip any part of the video or else you’re gonna miss a lot.
Exactly. Yeah. And I just wanna add as well, hey guys. Cross Border Summit is coming November three to five. Again, we have hot sales coming or we have hot sales [00:46:00] and deals for the tickets for you. If you wanna go check it out, you can visit 2024 cross border summit.com/bye. Yeah, secure yours. Go epic. We got speakers, great speakers lining up.
I think we should to Adam. I mean Adam was great. We should talk to him about speaking. Oh yeah. Others, but also I. We’re working on. I think we’ll have a link on this show, but we’re gonna have some coaching from Adam our first time where people can book one coaching if you wanna get in [00:46:30] depth sessions with Adam.
Right. We’re gonna have that, we’ll, we’ll link it up. We can also talk to you Yasha about information if Mm-Hmm. Yes, yes, yes. And we have a special offer, limited time, special price. Adam never goes that low, but he’s us. He’s supporting us. So if you wanna know more about the pricing and the package, check it out on the show notes or talk to, to yasha on on online.
Yeah, reach out to me. I’ll give you all the information you need. [00:47:00] Awesome. Alright. Great job y everybody. See you next episode. See. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website@ww.global from asia.com. That’s ww.global from asia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed.
Thanks for tuning in.
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