As a busy business owner in and out of Asia, are you putting your health as a top priority?
Even if we don’t have signs of any medical issues or sickness, we as business executives, must stay on top of our health.
There shouldn’t be many excuses or maybe you don’t know how or where?
Well, today you have found the right place.
Global From Asia is a place for the business cross border business executive and investor to learn what they need to know about business. And today, we have partnered with a network of hospitals to help you get the medical knowledge and checkups you need.
What are we talking about?
It is called an Executive Checkup.
There are various tests – blood, body, etc – that we should be doing on a regular basis. The hospitals have put them all together into various packages for you to choose from, from the basic to the deluxe.
How does it work?
Simply choose the package you like and checkout on the webpage. After completing the order, you will arrange a day that works for you and the hospital and plan your trip.
We suggest coming in a day or two earlier so that you can adjust your body and sleeping pattern. Also, there are some guidelines on not eating the night before so make sure to read all the instructions at least a few days before arriving.
Once you complete the executive checkup, you will return the next day to pick up your results. A doctor will give you the feedback and interpretation of this data and tell you where you stand.
And that is it!
You made a smart decision in taking care of your body. As a mentor told me once:

If we are rich and successful, but our body is falling apart, that is not true wealth. You need to be happy and healthy inside and out – to be a truly fulfilled person.
So what Are You Waiting For – Start Today
We hope that these executive checkup packages here at Global From Asia and our partners will get you on the fast track to taking better care of your health.
Over the decades in Asia business, we have seen too many cases of bad health and upkeep that finally has had traumatic effects on business executives.
So make the smart investment – and invest in YOU and your health.