
Today, we’re talking about personal finance. Money management.

I know – something that is BORING.

As an entrepreneur myself, I often put this on what we would call the “back burner”. The thought process being – once I make a ton of profits, then I can worry about personal finances.

My buddy, and co-host at China Business Cast, has helped motivate me to not put it in the back burner and face it full on. Only when you face it and organize it can you improve it (like anything in life).

So I want to have him share a special opportunity with you as he builds out this service to help international business people like you and me – and I strongly suggest you take him up on his free offer.

Now – Take it away Shlomo!

Thank you Mike!

Hey all! As freelancers or solopreneurs, it’s almost impossible to think about having the financial freedom you’ve dreamed of as you jump from job to job and project to project. Right?


I specifically work with freelancers and solopreneurs to get control of their finances so it’s no longer a distraction and point of stress.

Ready to stop settling for what you have and start building that future you want today?

I’m offering a FREE Financial Fitness call for members of GFA.

All you need to do is click the link here and book a call at your convenience.

See you on the other side,

PS Here is the link again. I hope you take advantage of this offer.

HI! I’M SHLOMO I’ll help you draw the path to financial freedom and responsible finances.

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