While we thought it was obvious, but since many don’t know it yet. The parent company of Global From Asia (Shadstone Limited) is a registered agent. That is, a registered agent with the Company Registry (CR) in Hong Kong.
Woo hoo!
Today, we’ll explain what it means to be a registered agent, and ways we can help your Hong Kong business – from start to finish!
What’s a Registered Agent in the CR?

The registered agent program is an ability to open companies in Hong Kong on behalf of other people. We have gone through the paperwork and filing and are in the database of registered agents. We can do the company setup online as well as offline for business owners.
As we have found, many, many of our clients want to do as much as possible online as they can. They’re business entrepreneurs traveling and don’t have the time or patience to sign papers. Signing is one thing, but having to package up and courier documents around the globe, insane right!
Now that we are a registered agent and a company secretary, we can help you do as much of this documentation online as possible.
Why This Matters To You?
So why do you care about this announcement? Well, first we have been getting lots of requests from people who are working with their HK company secretary & agency. They complain a ton of the work is manual and by physical paper and shipping.
We know how annoying this is for you (and us). Over the years, we have done the painful research and experimentation to figure out how to do as much of this online as possible.
To the amazement of many of the accountants and consultants in Hong Kong, we have figured it out! Even the company audit, we know how to file it online for you.
So this is huge news if you’re living overseas in South America, Europe, America, or other locations. You can deal with us online, and we can take care of all the paperwork on your behalf!
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

So now that we have this ability to help you even more with filing things online for your Hong Kong company. But we need to be cautious, we need to also ensure that we have the proper instructions from you. We have setup procedures in place for you to fill out forms and processes for us on our site (or in email). That way we have all the instructions clear for you.
Our biggest job is to make sure everything is clear and transparent. We want you to know what you are signing off on and how that will affect your business and taxes.
Imagine How Much Headache You Can Save
So we have been taking over a lot of new accounts from people who have their companies established in other agencies. There has been a lot of headaches reduced as a result of it. It seems some of the discount agencies are losing mail. And just have standard copy/paste email replies when you ask them questions.
We’ve been dealing with late filing notices, lost Profit Tax Returns, and late BRC and Annual Returns. This is our headache now, but we can work with you remote to fix everything.
Your headache becomes our headache. Whereas it seems with other Hong Kong agencies, they push that headache onto you!
We want you to be happy with operating your Hong Kong business, and make sure it is smooth. We’ve found that all these other agencies love to take on a new Hong Kong company setup, that is pretty straightforward. And it’s good profit. Yet when it comes to the maintenance, it’s a headache they’re more willing to push onto you.
As we grow this agency, we hope to use the leverage from the network of clients we build up. We’ll use this leverage to make more online based filing for the Hong Kong government and banks. Right now we’re too small for them to care, but as we grow, we will pass this relief onto you, our valued clients.
Transfer Your Hong Kong Company To Us!

While many other agencies are focusing on new Hong Kong companies, we are more than happy to help those who already have a company setup. We’re working on a simple transfer process, but noticing there are some unkept documentation and filing when we take on a new client. So it’s a bit manual for now.
We’re anxious to work with you, and will sort out all those unknowns and questions you have. Some don’t know when their audit is coming up and they are getting unclear answers from their agencies.
Transfer over to an agency who knows what is up and will fight for your right as a Hong Kong company business owner and director!
Check out our company transfer package here.
Or, Start Your New HK Company With Us
As the other agencies agree, starting a new company with a new client is much more straightforward. This way we know exactly when you setup the company, when the banking started and when you started operating the company.
So if you haven’t yet established your company, it is best to work with us right off the bat. This will save the headache later of transferring over to us in the future.
Check our Hong Kong company opening package here.
An Agency Who Understands Your Online Business Needs

Our big difference from the many other Hong Kong agencies and secretaries out there is we understand you! Our company mission and vision is to make it simple and straightforward for ecommerce and online based business owners to process their company via a HK limited.
No more mailing heavy documents around the globe. We’ll continue to innovate and develop online systems to help you control all your company details from our website, and get timely alerts when things are coming due.
As they say “an educated client is our best customer”. We want you to know what you’re getting into and what the fees are before they pop up.
Any questions, feedback, or hate mail, please leave a comment below or contact us