Running a Kickstarter From China and Asia with Joe Constanty

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast, Sales3 Comments

joe constanty podcast

Thanks everyone for tuning in again this week! I’ve been working hard on updating the website this past week, making a free eBook how to Supercharge your Hong Kong company. If you guys are interested please go to the site and pop in your email to get the teaser card, and when the book is complete you’ll get you copy free!

So this week’s episode we are talking to my friend Joe Constanty who has launched his brand from Kickstarter from China, Hong Kong, and USA at the same time – and truly has a global team and operation – between Shanghai, China – Southern China for production, and distribution in Las Vegas – Joe is a pro! So without further ado, let’s hear from the man himself!

Topics Covered in this Episode

  • Welcome Joe Constanty, introduction
  • Kickstarter, i went to your launch party campaign, and am wearing your Pencils right now, pretty sweet, can you tell us about how it got started
  • I noticed you have a very well balanced cross border team, pretty awesome – was / is that hard to manage, any special tips on all the various cultures and languages ?
  • Pretty cool idea how you donated proceeds to a good non profit – can you share about that?
  • How about company setup – China, USA, Hong Kong?
  • Fulfilling your kickstarter, how was that process, you shipped b2c direct from China, or?
  • What suggestions do you have for those wanting to launch on kickstarter?
  • What about after the Kickstarter, how has it been going?
  • A little chance to plug your company and product – how can listeners check it out?

People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Episode Length: 22:15

So we have some good timing with him on the show and the launch of his 2nd kickstarter campaign and I’m happy to promote it on this blog. I am a backer in his first campaign and loving the pencils. The Ninjas look awesome and hopefully some of you listeners support Joe and his team !

Til next time everyone!

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Tags: asia, china, kickstarter

3 Comments on “Running a Kickstarter From China and Asia with Joe Constanty”

  1. Pingback: Hong Kong startup Ambilabs & Crowdfunding Experiences with Julian Lee - GFA46

  2. Ravi K

    Ran into this via a boxc comment. Good info and thanks for posting. Hope more Kickstarter and Indiegogo get to see this.

    1. Michael Michelini

      glad you enjoyed this Ravi! I actually have BoxC on my list of companies to interview if you know them or are affiliated with them? connecting would be cool!

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