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Love everything Global From Asia offers and want to “go all in”? Then our GFAVIP membership is perfect for you. Subscribe to our membership program and get the inside scoop on HK and China business, premium content, private sessions and more. Get on the inside and let our community team take care of you.
Don't go it alone! with our services & guides.
Partner Corporate Services
Our original and most popular service for new visitors is our Hong Kong corporate services (via a strategic JV partnership with Unipro Consulting Limited)
We have also added more corporate services and help function as well as list them as opportunities for all!
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GFAVIP Member Events
We are really having a blast getting to meet our listeners and readers! We are doing more and more events, and will list them on this page as they come out!
Consulting Packages
For those that want personalized advise on your specific situation on business in China or Hong Kong.
How Can We Help You?

You are at the setup stage of your business. You may be doing business already (in a company in another jurisdiction) or in your personal name. This is the place to go to establish your new business structure.

You have your company established and aren’t looking to setup a new entity. Yet, it isn’t running the way you’d like and you want to make some changes and tweaks to your operation.

Your business is running fine and smooth. You want some assistance growing your business in Asia and around the world. Sales, marketing, and recruitment services.