This week we are taking a journey – to China and back again. Nicole Webb is a very amazing blogger who shared her journey moving to Hong Kong, and then Xi’An China where she has documented it on her blog and this podcast.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Intro Nicole
You’re a freelance journalist, and have been a TV reporter in Sydney, saw some of your footage. Care to give us some background about yourself for the listeners?
Your China Journey
Love your blog – Mint Mocha Musings – you traveled to China as the hotelier’s wife and shared that experience – in Hong Kong for a while and then Xi’An –
How did the China trip come up?
Hong Kong first
How was Hong Kong to start? Think you enjoyed it with your Mint Mocha
Then to Xi’An
This is much “deeper” into Mainland China. I can imagine the culture shock here what was the initial transition like
No Mint Mocha in Xi’An
How did you, as well as other Expats living in Xi’An cope? I was thinking to move to Ningbo when I first considering relocating to China – but friends begged me not to, saying that it was too local and I wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Strategies for Localizing
Did you localize? Or did you stay in the expat circles? What do you recommend others relocating into Mainland China?
How About The Soldiers
I keep hearing about the soldier statues in Xi’An – worth a visit?
Biggest Takeaway in China
What was the biggest takeaway, maybe one positive and one – constructive – from your time in China?
Preparing Others For The Move to China
What are some things you wish you knew before moving to Xi’An, and/or moving to Mainland China in general
After China - Have been back now
You’re back now about 6 months as of the recording – how has it been to return back home after time in China
Connecting with you
How can listeners reach out to you? Your blog is great, what’s the recommended channels of connecting 🙂
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Nicole’s blog
√ W Hotel Hong Kong
√ Starwood hotels
√ Her book
Her book about life in China (coming soon)
Episode Length 37:46
Thank you Nicole for sharing! Wish we could have had you at our upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker! I’m so happy to have gotten to know you and thanks for sharing on the podcast. The journey of China and back again, feel like we are talking about The Lord of the Rings (Hobbit) and it is true! To come to China is truly a unique experience, but one I believe Nicole and I would both recommend people do at least once in their lifetime.
So how about you – have you taken the journey to China and back again?
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Podcast Transcription
“It’s easy to think in terms of us and them because we,us are different. But I guess that you have to really be tolerant and try to understand why they do things the way they do.”
Welcome to the Global From Asia podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice and now your host, Michael Michelini.
Mike: Global From Asia interview series episode 198 guys. I’m here in Bangkok, Thailand. Just wrap up the DCBKK Conference. It’s actually 4 years since Global From Asia started, started here actually October 22, 2013. The domain was registered here at the Bangkok. I was actually at the Poman Hotel at the Lounge. A lot has happened since then. Thanks Dan and Ian and guys and the crew there and the, were gonna have an after party soon. I’m just sneaking in to do a little intro for our show here Global From Asia. Thank you so much for listening. I met a lot of listeners here at the conferences as well. I really appreciate it. They actually got a lot of great ideas to develop everything. In just a few days we have our Cross Border Matchmaker on October 27th. It’s gonna be an amazing first time event we’re gonna do a bilingual event with top Chinese Amazon sellers and international sellers so I look forward to meet a lot of you there. It’s amazing event. While we love podcast and blogs, nothing still beats meeting face to face right. So a lot of face time here in October so I hope everybody is doing great. So I’m gonna keep today short for the intro and get to interview. We have Nicole Webb. She is awesome person and she’s also a blogger and shares her stories and I found her online when reading some great blogs. She’s got Mint Mocha Musings travel blog where she shared about her experiences in China. Got her on the show today to share with you guys some of her experiences and some of her advice for those adventuring into China. So let’s get into interview Nicole Webb.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Aurelia Pay. I use it personally for sending money to my Chinese suppliers from Hong Kong. It’s a cross border payment solution between China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. So, if I need to make a payment to a Chinese supplier, I just hop online to place the remittance, pay to the Aurelia Pay Hong Kong based big account and Aurelia Pay will settle RMB within the same business day. So, check them out online at www.aureliapay.com A U R E L I A P A Y .com or check them on their link at our show notes.
Mike: Thank you everybody for tuning into another Global From Asia podcast. Actually, I’m excited to talk to Nicole Webb. She’s a freelance journalist TV reporter in Sydney. She spent some time in China and Asia which is exciting to talk about. And she also has some pretty awesome blog. I like www.mintmochamusings.com, it’s about her expat affair in Asia. So, thank you so much Nicole for coming on the show.
Nicole: Thank you for having me, it’s my pleasure to be here.
Mike: Yeah, that’s great. So, there’s so much we could talk about and I even have a personal questions for myself. I’m getting this podcast and video that I have been doing I’m learning more about journalism and so many things. But today, I just want to be cool to talk about your China experience, your China journey. Like you say on your blog, you travel as an hotelier’s wife and has some experience you first started in Hong Kong I believed. And then went to Xi’an which is pretty in Central China. So maybe share how that got started, how did you first end up.
Nicole: Okay. I was working as a journalist. I was on Sky News in Australia which is a 24 hour news channel. So, I worked there for 10 years pretty much as a producer on a number of shows from collection to business and showbiz and the works. I was in news radar for 5 years or 7 years of that. I married my husband during that time, he was who is an hotelier and at that time I said hey look I’m not gonna travel overseas to leave, he should have stayed, I don’t do that I’m a career girl it’s not for me I think my time is over for that. And he said fair enough and maybe a year or so later Hong Kong came up and James my husband just kind of dismiss it. I don’t know what happened at that moment I just sort of look at myself and thought you know what I could be driving into the same carparking a decades time doing the same late shift and wielding up same brand of spray. I just so, let’s do it carpe diem, maybe time to sees the day and try something different. So I said to James, I think we should go and he nearly fell like a baby say what? Let’s do it. Next thing I know things happened quickly in the hotel world and I think it was like 3 weeks later he was gone and I was packing up the house and I also found out I am pregnant for the first time in that same week. So, it was like a double whammy as I, oh wow how are we gonna do this? so yeah it was challenging but good fun. 4 years in Hong Kong.
Mike: Yeah, Hong Kong is a pretty amazing place. We were talking before the recording I go there often I’m on the other side Shenzhen China. But yeah, that’s a really nice. So, then is that when Mint Mocha Musings started? Is that?
Nicole: Yeah, Hong Kong is an amazing place. Im very jealous of you right now. We went there of course. I was pregnant so I decided not to go back into news and all that. I think I needed a break. And I started doing a freelancing once my little girl was born and I could have been saved work and rising and all of that. I was, I think as a journalist, I thought I would stuck a block on some point and I think that was about 2 years into the journey. And I thought I’m gonna start writing this down and recording it. So, yeah Mint Mocha Musings was born after way too many mint mocha in Starbucks to keep me sane. From there on in, it’s kind of a merge and has been a great platform for lots of different things.
Mike: Yeah, I love blogging, too. It’s so powerful like that’s how we were able to connect. I mean, so many people can learn, right? The amazing part is, of course it takes time. But once you start sharing, it’s there for long term and people can learn and get perspective for the long term. So Hong Kong like you say you’re jealous, it’s definitely not really normal when I think people thought with Asia. I sometimes joke with people when I thought I was going to Asia from America. I thought they were going to rice fields you know dirt road, I’ll be honest. Didn’t do much homework before I came. Hong Kong is a very obviously first world, very developed fast paced city. How was the time there, quite a few years?
Nicole: Yeah. I mean, look I was like you. I really think I was going to either. I have once before just briefly. But I think I was kind of even though it’s very civilized, I still think I suffered a little bit of culture shock. If you’ve never been to Asia before and to me it was a foreign country. I remember looking around and it’s the real blend of East meets West isn’t it, you know. You got those alley ways and the food stalls. The chinese culture and they also got a gazillion high rises and it’s the financial hub of the world. So I loved it from the minute I got there but it was quite overwhelming of course when you’re having a baby in a foreign country. I don’t know what to expect as a mother anyway. Like alone being somewhere you don’t really know. So, it was a big learning curve for me but when I look back now I am being into Mainland and Hong Kong was just a beautiful civilized city, isn’t it.
Mike: Yeah, it’s amazing, I mean it’s intense all rise. I always think of that (noise) make sense for blocking people crossing the road I think it’s the reason for that noise. It’s a very fast paced city.
Nicole: And you do forget I think, I would travel back quite frequently from Xi’An to stuck up on supplies like those sort of things. I would gonna be shock so how run this squash together and never pushing forward and it’s all crowded. If you’re not used to it, it’s a big daunting I think.
Mike: Yes, totally true. On my blog, I have a pretty popular post about Shenzhen, comparing Shenzhen in Hong Kong and I think one of the bigger differences is the space. Like Hong Kong I still think one of the most expensive in the world at least up there, top list. So you do have pretty, even if you’re very wealthy or have a big budget you still have pretty compact living environment.
Nicole: Yeah, we had a tiny apartment. I mean, it was fantastic because we had to pay in W Hotel. So, in a great location of a big glossy center and below it lots of restaurants. But it was a teeny tiny apartment but there are pros and cons with that I get. Maybe it was such an expensive city, if you’re looking to buying a real estate. Another thing I found interesting was the whole, the maid culture, the helper culture that is something quite unusual to me. Everyone saying don’t worry you’ll get used to it. I just had the idea of having someone living in a teeny tiny apartment what kind of set would it be. So, we ended up just getting a lovely lady that became part of the family just a part time. Just to help when I needed to work. But yeah it’s interesting, most of the people in Hong Kong have helpers. If you’ve got children especially and they often live in this tiny little rooms, off the hallway. Or sometimes they even live in the kitchen or in the kid’s bedroom. That just becomes normal for Hong Kong people but when you step away from it and look back it’s like, this is quite unusual.
Mike: Yeah it is true. Well it’s usually Filipino or Indonesian women. Yes it’s true it still bothers me when I, especially Sundays, right. You walk around on their day off and the city is just full of these, I guess we call them maids.
Nicole: Sundays a big day, that they would like to congregate together and they hang around in the parks. Also, anywhere they spare based I guess which is not many places in Hong Kong.
Mike: True. There is some documentaries I think by like China Morning Post or other. Yeah, I know it bothers quite a few people I know as well.
Nicole: I mean, I always think, I’ve written a post as well on my blog and I think sometimes the exploitation goes both ways. I’ve heard a lot of Filipinos helpers that are mistreated and I heard also a lot of employers that speak that they’re helpers done the wrong thing by them. So you really got to choose and make the right relationship because essentially this 2 cultures mixing together and living under the one roof and i mean that is hard for anybody. Yeah, I think for me I think you’ve got to treat them as part of the family if they gonna be living in your house. It’s a tough one. I don’t know.
Mike: On my side, since we are talking about, I have a family in laws that are living with me. Well, father in law. Usually it’s more but my wife’s father is down here living in our, his own room. Maybe could be little more similar but I think it’s more of a Hong Kong thing. I thinks it’s usually as family at least in China and then, I was in America, right. I would probably on my own, some people, it is a luxury to be able to have, well some people I guess some Western as a Western man some don’t like having in laws there. Actually most don’t. But I think it’s, I don’t know.
Nicole: Yeah, you know pros and cons. I’m sure you know.
Mike: Well. So then, for years in Hong Kong and you’re enjoying your Mint Mocha well I guess there’s plenty of Starbucks and plenty of Western lifestyle in Hong Kong so it wasn’t really like missing much from what you with.
Nicole: Once you get used to it, I think any new place you go is just takes time to find your module and you’ve got to workout for everything is. But once you are familiar with it.
Mike: Yeah, exactly. And then I guess it’s now more interest, or living more in exotic or maybe well, it come from pretty exotic. But Xi’An is much more, maybe unique something that I noticed with the Yuen going up into, that’s more Central China which is little bit less expat friendly, less foreigner. I think, right. Ive actually, I have some on my list to go especially Xi’An warriors another thing. So they always, I haven’t yet to make it there. Well first how did you make it up there, is it another project?
Nicole: Hey, look at the some, experience of a lifetime. Again, my husband the next role for him was the General Manager for the hotel over a period of 18 months. So a lot of different hotels in different countries try to came on a radar, some were bit of exotic like Bangkok, India, Seoul. And it was just like every month. There was a new place that I would stop thinking about thinking do I need to stop. Packing up my or are we going to India or what are we doing. And it became increasingly obvious that China was the part to take because I mean we all know how phenomenal they growth is and I think there were something like 18 new hotels being built in China over the next 2 years for style alone so it was just incredible. And so this city’s coming up at first we were bit reluctant to take it a position up there. In the end I started on craving some adventure which I don’t know you think Hong Kong was enough but now you know I thought I need to get into (line blurred) So I said to James again I think we’ve got to do it Xi’An came up. It looks like quite a decent city, had these population of 9 million and it looks very starkle and it look great when I Google searched. So next thing I know again happen pretty quickly a few weeks later and James was going. And I stayed behind to pack up and finish things off and then Eve and I flew up. She was 3 and half so yeah we flew up and stayed for 2 and half years and it was a pretty incredible time. I thought I knew a lot about China before I went there naively. I’ve been to Shanghai and Shenzhen and Guangzhou. I kind of know what to expect to be at the Wild West but I think it’s okay that yeah I did suffer pretty simply culture shock for a while. I think I was numb for a few weeks from when we got there. I was felt like I was just in a blare of speechless, I just couldn’t even breathe, just so overwhelmed by what was around me. But yeah like what with everything, eventually it becomes normal.
Mike: True, I think it’s just adjusting. But is there many other expats there? I think I’ve talked to a few but is something.
Nicole: I mean, I guess I could say there’s probably around a thousand expats. But then when you compare that to Hong Kong when they have around 100,000 it’s a pretty all full of people. It was very hard to find these expats Eve start school for quite a few weeks. In the hotel I think James was one of 2 or 3 foreigners working there. Aside the hotel I mean I would be the only white person you know, there was a big tourist attractions opposite the hotel called the Dayenta which is the big wall goose decoder where tourist come from all over China. A lot of them and even Eve saying, what all rural towns, not rural but less than known and Xi’An. So it was pretty hard core. I remember one time just driving without driver. Because I couldn’t drive in Xi’An. I sort of long playing at the window and she had a little and I just was so, I just wanted to wind the window down and start yelling out hey I can see you. With that few and bar in between, eventually when I took Eve in school of course she meet people there. She was an international school there, one of 3. A lot of Chinese that went to that school got had a foreign passport and a lot of them are Koreans because a lot of Koreans they’ve been Xi’An, (Chinese language) second biggest it seems, And a lot of factories like Boeing and sort of plane part manufacturers and things like that. So there were few international kids there, not too many though. Most of my friends became a teachers also back there. And I think there was a Western girl in Eve’s class at that time. I did made a few people through that which was my saving grace. And those Facebook, a few people found my blog that could moved to Xi’An So they contacted me through that and we had a blind date and had coffee and made a few friends that way.
Mike: I can imagine, I was thinking about living in Ningbo coz there was a lot of factories there when I first came. But I let, people convince me there’s not, there’s too local for foreigner to live. Especially when I first came out here. But and then another funny thing for yeah I feel similar like in Shenzhen I have so many foreigners about 10 years ago when I was here in 2007. I started doing the nod the wave like you’re saying with the blonde in the car right. I would see another foreigner walking by and we will both kind of like nod our head and smile at each other.
Nicole: It’s like, yup, I see you. You don’t do that in Australia or America. I find it bizarre. But you kind of distinct together don’t you. I mean you have to sort of it’s such a part of community. I think the smaller the pool of expats the more you I mean, I met people from all walks of life and I guess that was the beauty of them. There were so many people that I wouldn’t be in my circle, it’s like you get to make contact within. You just have to made with some different people and so many different nationality as well as finding out the Chinese culture I think you find about in Germans, in France, Americans, you know and another culture as well. You get a taste of.
Mike: So yeah, it seems like you were making some meeting some people and connecting and then. I guess for the stories on your fun stuff, I always get told I got to see the Xi’An soldiers there. I’m wandering, its on my list, well is that worth the trip? Or is there other things you say are worth checking out?
Nicole: Yeah, I think you definitely have to see them. I’ve seen them 3 times which is probably (laughing) I think once, it’s a definite must. I mean we’re talking about 8,000 soldiers would have been buried underground but I think 2,000 years or more. They have found I think 1974 some was digging a well and came across this pottery pieces and as I say the rest is history. Dig a bit further and then spaced life sized soldiers that would built by the emperor Chin to guide his mausoleums so to speak. Because he thought that there was an afterlife. And then in the afterlife this clay pottery soldiers would guard and protect him. So it’s quite fascinating so I think just to stand there and there’s 3 piece and just to look at them, the whole being resurrected, they still digging up some actually. And a lot of them used to be painted but a lot of that, I don’t know what the word is but they’re trying to they’ve got new technology that can now resurrect them with their paints intact. So it’s pretty special just to see them and so could open a mansion, who does this and who built this. I think it took 38 years to build this army of clay soldiers.
Mike: Unbelievable.
Nicole: So, yes bizarre.
Mike: Yeah, 8,000 it’s something. Alright, I keep it. It’s definitely on the list places.
Nicole: Yeah, I mean, like I said, being there 3 times and after the second time it’s a bit like okay I’ve seen them now, but the first time its pretty special and there’s a guy there that sign books that was Pama apparently that found that those pieces of pottery.
Mike: Interesting. He’s part of the show. Maybe I got to go there while still there. that’s awesome. So yeah he also said, you also visited here in Shenzhen and Guangzhou and other parts of China. So seems like you’ve seen a lot I guess I would like to ask, you’re in Sydney now and you’re thinking about your time in China and Asia. What was maybe some big takeaways, may be either positive or negative or maybe a little bit of both.
Nicole: It’s really hard to know. I mean, I guess I’m writing a book now on Life in China. So, I guess I’m having to think about this quite hard and quite deeply. I guess my whole point was that I always wanted to in life and people that the real average person in China because there was so many books out there on the economy being you know the second biggest in the world their books on how you should do business with the Chinese people and the political system that they have so many just the average Chinese person out there and what they feel about China today and what they feel about the political system and I guess they could have a bad wrap from other Western countries when they travelling on planes and always hear sort of crazy stories. Why they’re doing that I guess I’m trying to look at that and for my book I need to be about 50 locals teenagers to 90 year old war veterans. So that was pretty interesting just to get their take on it because I think a lot of people think in terms of China or just goes for first year cities like Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou. But I think there are some, there are other 650 cities on China. So and maybe if they have over a million people so there’s a big, big portion that are really under represented. So I think my big take away is I guess when you go into a country like China as you know, you really can’t, you’ve got to be open minded. You can’t be it’s easy to think in terms of us and them. Because we, us are different. And you got a bit jaded and the way things are done is very different to what we know and it’s frustrating. But I guess you have to really be tolerant and try to understand why they do things the way they do and where that standing from. You look back 50 years ago as we know China was a completely different place and you know it’s the rapid race which is accelerated is unparalleled in history by the country. So I think it was quite fascinating and I think you have to try and remember that when you’re there and there were times when you just feel like where am I and you know, these are different from what I know. I feel very isolated which I did on many occasions that you kind of look beyond that I guess. And I did try to make a lot of local people and I mean I don’t speak Chinese very well I’m still learning. But it helps you know I could speak a little bit and I could hold base (blurred) I think that helped a bit.
Mike: Definitely. I’ve seen you on the Instagram, you’re still constantly learning, right? I mean, Chinese language as well the culture here. I think from my, that’s what happened to me when I first came I felt like there was so much to learn it’s just never ending things to learn here. I just reiterate what you said. You just have to embrace, I call it not resisting and just keep on pushing forward.
Nicole: Can you speak Chinese well?
Mike: I was not good in languages but I’ve been 3 or 4 years now consistently I have a stack of books. Ive write, I learned by writing. I learned that’s how I learned. Everybody was trying to speak and I would like absorb it but I’ve absorb it by the characters and absorb it by writing it. I just kind of self study everyday by writing the characters and flash cards. So I can travel and but I can’t really do business conversation in Chinese. But I can have basic conversations in Chinese.
Nicole: Brilliant. Good. I mean, gosh I have such a long way to go. But even here in Sydney we got a young Chinese student that’s coming over once we can, she’s kind of chatted, taking my daughter for an hour and she’ll spend half an hour just chatting with me. Which is a big help because so many I want to chat to so much. Which as you know the big thing and I’m still doing my Skype lessons with my Chinese tutor in Xi’An. Yeah so I’ve come this far and I might as well keep on going.
Mike: Yeah, it’s true. I mean, I think there’s no question on Chinese, you know they’re going global. Theyre going everywhere. It’s always good to know their language and the culture which actually feels like you’ll spell learn together. Like sometimes the characters has like a meaning in a way. At least that’s how I try to remember it. Yeah that’s pretty good. So how is it been kind of going back to “reality” or I don’t know normal life is it.
Nicole: It’s been quite. It hasn’t been as hard as it be. Because I was really worried that we would be particular with missed, I guess the adrenalin of living in another country and the adventure you know you’ll get addicted to that. And even if life is kind of mandating I did a same thing in Xi’An. My daughter goes to school every day. Came with home work on my laptop. But you know you’re in a different country and its more exotic and whatever you’re doing is got that twisted Chinese on it. So I guess I was really and I do miss that. I miss that the most of course. And I kind of knew that I would. Life’s a lot easier though back here I must admit. It’s just easier bring people say Wow you think Sydney is relax and I’m like yes it is. Driving, I have driven for 7 years I can get my car and just go wherever I want. I can order anything I need with the language. there’s no barrier there. If I get lost it doesn’t matter I can ask anybody in the street. You can get anything you need. Just little things like that medical of course is a big thing because in Xi’An the system up there, it wasn’t the best. There was 1 English speaking doctor, his english wasn’t that great. There was always a charades. You know my biggest fear back then was Eve beginning sick, what we will do. Obviously doesn’t mean so much to worry about that here. So things like that are a lot easier but yeah in a little ways never say never that we want to travel again and go somewhere else. Especially being married to a hotelier. It’s always on the car. But for now i’m doing a little bit of, and may daughter can walk to school and there’s no pollution. I mean that was starting to be quite a big problem for us because it was really, really bad. I can probably remember last year in Beijing at the height of red alert.
Mike: Yeah, that is scary.
Nicole: So, we’re able to wear a mask in the playground. You don’t even in the playground. It’s a pretty horrible when it gets to that point. When you can’t leave the house without a mask all the time. I think as much as I could have stayed in China longer that was just a little bit of a worry for the future.
Mike: Understand. I do feel similar a couple of kids now and growing fast. So that is a big one.
Nicole : It’s not quite as bad though.
Mike: It’s bad. I mean, I ground in the border of Hong Kong. Of course, I think the biggest pollution problem in Beijing or the city is sometimes is they used coal for heating and they kind of like create from my understanding, they blamed the factory I think it’s the coal energy that they used. So that creates all the, that’s the least of what I understood.
Nicole: Yeah, I’ve tried to find the answer to the pollution for many years now. And I can never, I put so many different versions of yes sometimes is when they fire up the coal pad heating in Xi’An of course because it’s winter. It’s always a lot worst and the climate up trap and you’ve got I hear more sort of stories, there are many more cars on the roads now, factories many more of course it’s the factory, my driver told me once it was because the pama is heating under the bed. I don’t think the Chinese actually even know what causes it. And a lot of them say it’s become a lot worst in the last few years, that’s for sure. Some are even starting to worry about it for the first time. that I mean still in Xi’An so many of them, sort anything I mean most of them smoke. At least what they know.
Mike: Hopefully it gets better, let’s just hope. But alright well this has been great Nicole, I know you have lots of things to do and you are quite busy so you are also a writer, a copywriter for media, trader, emcee, presenter, social media, a lot it’s awesome.
Nicole: I’m trying to find my fate down on this.
Mike: So, what’s the best way for people to find you online, is it your blog?
Nicole: Yeah, my blog is www.mintmochamusings.com or around Mint Mocha Musings Facebook as well and Twitter Nicole D Webb.
Mike: We’ll link it on the show notes also you mentioned it so you’re working on the new book but I know you also a co-author of a book Once Upon an Expats.
Nicole: I wrote a short story for that anthology so it was really nice to be included in that.
Mike: Alright! We could link that up and then whenever you’re ready for put that in the book, I’m definitely interested, I’d like to read this China books, keep me posted and I can share it as well. Thanks so much for your time Nicole and sharing I’m happy to be in touch.
Nicole: Thanks so much for having me.
Mike: Thank you Nicole so much for sharing I hope you guys enjoy that and she’s an amazing person and I look forward to cooperate with you Nicole in the future events and content, your creator and the share and let’s keep it up and everybody if you could come over her website and support her too that would be great. So we are almost at 200 shows and things are just getting open up. We have so many amazing interviews I have a guest I can’t wait til our show goes online. It’s so hard actually to choose which show, which interview, which guest to put up next. I guess that’s a good problem. there’s so much amazing content to share with you guys. We do have a member series which Angelica she’s so busy with the Matchmaker planning later take a break for doing the intro this week. she’s busy with that and we do have a member series we have a members program GFAVIP and some of our listeners are supporting the cause. Supporting the show, supporting the Global From Asia movement. If you are interested in supporting us financially and get some even extra value GFA for globalfromasiavip.com and stay tuned actually I have to do a website a lot. I learned some things on the DCBKK here in Thailand for simplifying things. I simplified a lot, I actually removed seems like we have too much content here so I simplified with my biggest thing, maybe you could give me some feedback on our website. I know a lot of you are ITunes maybe don’t even know we have a website at all. globalfromasia.com and this is episode 198 so if you want the show notes and lot of information that is www.globalfromasia.com/episode198. I can’t believe we are at almost 200. Alright thanks everybody for listening have a great rest of your week, rest of your day wherever you are.
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