Building A New Country in French Polynesia with Marc Collins

Michael MicheliniLifestyle, Living, Podcast1 Comment

Introduce Marc and the Seasteading Institute

Episode 163 – Claire and I are really excited for Cross Border Summit April 21-22, 2017 – Claire has been working hard on the design files and Mike The Greek has been helping out (from episode 107!). I had a great talk with Brent Deverman founder of Shenzhen Party about the Cross Border Summit getting tons of ideas, and always appreciate it buddy.

So this week, we are talking about Seasteading again – Leo Weese was on a couple years ago talking about it. Now we have some updates – Jan 13 an MOU was signed with the French Polynesia government and there is movement happening with it! We have Marc Collins giving us first hand info on how this is going on – let’s tune in.

As always, show notes are on

Topics Covered in this Episode

  • Introduce Marc and the Seasteading Institute

  • What is Seasteading?

    We had Leo Weese on an earlier episode (episode number 88 ), an ambassador in Hong Kong and he was giving us an overview of Seasteading, but what would you define it as?

  • Flying to Tahiti From Hong Kong

    Discussing the logistics of getting to French Polynesia

  • How did this start?

    So this one in French Polynesia – it’s the first official one, or? How did it get started?

  • The Three Studies

    There are 3 studies in the MOU that the Seasteading Institute has to do, what are they?

  • How much time / investment?

    So this is the first, of many? Or will this be a focus to build up for quite some time? How can others interested open their own country on the sea? What is the estimated cost of this one?

  • Benefits of Establishing one

    What are the perks of getting this setup? Why would someone join this new seasteading?

  • Risks involved?

    What are some potential (or real) risks someone has to undertake to get involved in such an endeavor, as an “inhabitant” (is that the term?)

  • Living There and Traveling

    So if someone was to live there, do they have to be there a certain amount of time, or at all? Is this about residential terms, address terms, “physical presence stuff” or other thought processes for someone to come on over.

  • Residence, Passport

    If someone were to join, are they a citizen? Is this a residence, can companies go there to set up shop, banking?

  • Opening one in Asia, and in General

    How can someone get something setup here in the Asia region, or anywhere for that matter? In South China Sea there is a lot of, discrepancies, let’s call it, so this may be too risky of a “waters” to set up? Seems you need a government to grant you land like what happened in French Polynesia?

  • Cost of Living in Tahiti

    How are the costs there?

  • How Can People Get involved, get in touch?

    Hope this opened some minds for the listeners. What is the best way people can get involved in this? Myself included! 🙂 Ways to contact, subscribe, or learn more.Thanks Marc!

People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Seasteading institute
Episode on GFA about Seasteading with Leo Weese
Youtube video, spokesman of French Polynesia
French Talent Passport
√ PACT seas (offline – )
√ Shenzhen Party’s post on our upcoming Cross Border Summit 2017
Mike The Greek Episode

Episode Length 44:43

Thanks for that Marc! My wife Wendy is really excited about it – wants to make a plan to get more people involved. Claire thinks I will be lonely – but more of us can go there together! Let’s make things happen and I will keep you all updated on the progress.

Now let’s head to some local meetups – going to a Digital Marketing meetup with Zack Franklin, and then a FBA meetup with Chris Davey. Enjoy your week ahead everyone!

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