Streamlining the shipping process to Amazon’s fulfillment centers can greatly benefit sellers. Valuable insights and ideas shared in this discussion provide effective strategies for sending a 40ft full container load efficiently and cost-effectively. Amazon’s preference for palletized shipments due to limited receiving teams is highlighted, emphasizing the recommendation to send such shipments to Jengis warehouse. This not only expedites the receiving process but also offers cost advantages over non-palletized shipments. While using Amazon Partnered Carrier is cheaper, it is important to consider longer transit times.
Understanding the requirements for shipping products, including proper paperwork, export licenses, and importers’ EIN, is crucial for a smooth shipping process from the origin country to Jengis warehouse. When selecting the final destination, sellers can choose between their preferred truck or Amazon Partnered Carrier. While the latter may come with higher costs per pallet, it offers faster reconciliation in case of discrepancies. Managing fees, such as Amazon’s storage fees and Jengis warehouse fees, is essential for effective cost management. Choosing a domestic address as the ship from address is also recommended for better location spread and proximity to the desired fulfillment center.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Introducing Jengis Gonzales
How can small standard items be efficiently shipped to a nearby fulfillment center?
Is there a cost-effective alternative to the Inventory Placement Service for shipping products to a single fulfillment center?
Why are palletized shipments preferred by Amazon and why should they be sent to Jengis warehouse?
What are the advantages and drawbacks of using Amazon Partnered Carrier compared to other freight companies?
What are the requirements for shipping products to Jengis warehouse, and when should the importer agent be notified?
What are the options for sending FBA to the final destination, and how do the costs differ?
How are the fees structured for Amazon and Jengis Warehouse for shipping and storage?
How should the 40ft container load be managed, and how long does it take for Amazon to fully receive it?
What factors should be considered when choosing the carrier for shipment planning, and why is using a domestic address important when shipping to Amazon?
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Jengis’ GFAVIP Page
√ Scale Insights
√ Cross Border Summit
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Visit our GFA partner – Casia Cross Better Logistics – for your logistics needs
Episode Length 30:57
Thank you Jengis for both insights and knowledge.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode four hundred and two, four zero two of global from Asia. Today we’re talking, it’s an advanced one, advanced shipping containers, sharing containers from Thailand to US or overseas. It’s one of, you know, I like these, these not. Been on podcasts before and these people are head down doing business cross border trade.
Let’s tune in today. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an [00:00:30] international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice. And now your host, Michael. Grabs grab is everywhere here in, in Thailand. It’s a nice, I like this, this trees, you know, if you’re watching on a video for your version, you’ll see this like red flower tree behind me.
I’ve been noticing it more this this year and Chang Mai. So today we got a cool one. Jenga Gonzalez. He’s an American here in [00:01:00] Thailand. Business owner, entrepreneur, making things happen. I’ve forgotten a chance to see him quite a few times. I visited his, his office. We did a little video. Actually, Luciano was here of his operations.
He’s, he does, he’s a seller himself. He has a factory here. He also has logistics center here. So we’re gonna put the video as well. It’s not this, this show, but we’re gonna have a video tour. Of his facility I did with Luciano a month or so ago. But today what happened was I was learning about container shipping.
You know, we’re, we’re, we got a few [00:01:30] brands now we’re doing here in our Amazon, uh, investments team. And I needed to learn this myself. And I said, Hey, Jenis, can I just record this? You know, can I just record this and use it as a podcast? So he is like, yeah, sure. Why not? And we just dove right in. I didn’t even introduce him, but he’s the CEO and founder of Go Terrestrial, which does like logistics, shared containers, mostly ocean containers from Thailand to the us and he’s, he’s got his experience, he’s doing it for [00:02:00] himself.
He’ll also be at the Crossbo Summit. We, we made a deal. He’ll be sharing, also have a little booth there, so it’ll be really cool for those coming to meet him. He’s, he’s really working hard, so let’s look tune into the show and we will see what is some insights about ocean containers sharing containers, 40 foot, 20 foot, consolidating, you know, a trucking air a little bit.
Mostly ocean, but I would call this. Advanced and we just kind of went right into it, you know? No, no BS and I needed this. Our team used it for our own [00:02:30] business. So let’s tune in. All right. We have Tommy, the sales manager at Cross Better Logistics. How are you, Tommy? Hi, and we just got to meet here in Shehe, China.
It’s great. Uh, they support the show at Global from Asia and we also use them ourself for many of our brands and e-commerce businesses. And Tommy really cares. They always are, uh, trying to help us save money, you know, not, you have some products you keep for us in China. You have some products you keep for us in the US warehouse and, uh, [00:03:00] I really appreciate.
That, and you’ll, you can talk to the seller, right? You can give them your advice. You work with many Chinese sellers a lot, right? And, uh, you can help, um, help the sellers understand more. Yeah. We are very professional for the treatment to USA and Canada. Also, we have warehouse in USA and Canada. We can have our factories, supplies, service for the shipment.
Yes. Yeah, yeah. For the eCommerce. [00:03:30] Yep. And you even keep stuff, uh, in China too. So sometimes if you have the limitations about sending too much to Amazon, you can keep it here in China with, with, uh, cross Better, or you can send of course to the US warehouse. They have many different options and they’re always trying their best to find, uh, find out what’s the best solution for you.
So definitely talk to Tommy, talk to Cross Better, and thank you for your, uh, Support of the community. Yes, we have good pricing and [00:04:00] better service. Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah. So I’ll walk you through the entire process from shipping your cargo by sea into fba. So from my understanding, you guys have a 40 foot equivalent, right?
Yeah. Yeah. So maybe I’ll, I’ll, yeah, I guess it’s good. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll start at this beginning. Sure. So we started this brand during Covid and we actually tried to send a 40 foot to try tie to the Amazon directly, but. There had the limitations. So we had [00:04:30] to use a three PL in la. Sure. Actually there was a lot of nightmares with that, but that’s another story.
And so we’ve gone through a lot of that. Although some of that’s stolen, I’d consider stolen but not released. But anyways, we’re sending more and we have another 40 foot container. We have another 40 foot container, and we want, Amazon will allow us to send it all in. We can book the shipping plan. Sure.
But the shipping plan is giving us. We’ve, we’ve canceled a rebook twice. We’ve changed settings. It keeps giving us two [00:05:00] or three different ones all around the us like Michigan, like Kentucky, like all over. So I’ve, we’ve been chatting and I’ve been talking a lot of other friends that most say there’s not possible to send one container to Amazon anymore.
Or maybe, if, I’ll be honest, I usually never do. So this one’s a bit bigger, it’s a bigger one for me, but I don’t usually do this. So, So one friend said there’s some software I sent you. I don’t feel like mentioning the name, but Sure. [00:05:30] Yep. A friend says maybe you can get that to kind of fit it to one fulfillment center.
I don’t know. We’re trying to learn that, but it’s still syncing the API as I record this. Mm-hmm. In 24 hours, they’re still syncing the api. It’s just software. It’s not a service, it’s just software. It’s supposed to make it, but. But that, that’s kind of situation. So I know you do, you know, we, we’ve even, you know, you do, you specialize in oceans from Thailand to the us so I, yeah, probably should have brought this up to you earlier, but it’s basically, you know, at factory ready, uh, [00:06:00] He’s never done FBA Prep.
If we have to teach him FBA prep sure. Because we did, we did it to the LA before and they prepped it and you know when we got the shipping plan. But, so we gotta teach him f b prep. I don’t know if you still need to do that, if we’re using your solution, but basically we’re scrambling cuz we wanna just, we’re slow on some of these items, right?
So we’re a little bit low on some items, so we really want, it’s been like over a week, actually longer. Cuz somes we had to create, they ca they flagged us hazmats. We had to wait for hazmats. And we keep hitting [00:06:30] these bumps. Now we’re getting two or three shipping centers all over the US and we’ve been trying to solve this for like two days now.
That’s kind of the story. Great. Oh, okay. So I’ll probably ask you just a couple questions about the shipment, then I’ll kind of walk you through the process. Sure. And then, yeah, then we can sort of figure, then we can start running some numbers maybe. And then see like, okay, what’s actually the, the most sense for you?
Like, you know, what’s gonna save you guys the most money? And then hopefully if there’s something in it for us, then, then it’s a win-win. [00:07:00] Sure. So you said hazmat, right? That might be an issue. We, we, we see that a lot. It, it got approved. It, it, we, we fixed that. But we do it’s liquid by any chance. What’s that?
Are the items liquid? No. Liquid. They touch liquid, but they’re poor spouts, bottle openers, not openers. Okay. But they’re all plastic that they, you know, they, they, they’re approved for the US fda, assuming they’re just standard small items. Yeah. I mean,
[00:07:30] you know, like this is one. Okay. Yeah, that looks pretty like small actually. This is, they’re, they’re small. Like this is a glass rimmer for cocktails. Oh, perfect. Yeah. And this, I think they flagged the pore spouts. They’ve, but they always approve it, but they flagged it as potential hazmat, right. This, this, you see these, they’re bottle tops.
They go on top of a bottle. Got it. So this is like for a wine pour or something? [00:08:00] Yeah. Bottle wine pours is another keyword word. Yeah. Wine pour is bottle pos and then bar caddies. Sure. So it’s all injectionable plastic. Yeah. That’s awesome. I mean, yeah. Awesome. That the brand is like, you know. Yeah. Yeah.
It’s, it’s all custom packaging. We’ve done all of this, you know. Okay. Perfect. And then yeah, g t i n barcodes, you know, registered brand registry, everything. Yeah. [00:08:30] We, we actually have our us we registered US com corporation, Curtis, so. Perfect. That’s it. We actually did a custom, we have our own customs bond we did last year.
Okay. I don’t know if we should use it or not for Yeah. If it’s a container. Yeah, for sure. And, and you probably wanna renew it every year as well. Yep. Yes. We have an agent in the US for that. And then the, the Thai company can serve as the shipper, right? From Thailand. Yeah. That’s what we’ve done. Perfect.
So you guys are doing it completely by the [00:09:00] book. That’s fantastic. You shouldn’t have any issues shipping out of Thailand and importing it into the us That’s the good news. So for Amazon, we’ve, we’ve sent like, I don’t know, hundreds and hundreds of shipments into Amazon and it’s a, it’s a hit or miss. So I think I was mentioning in the email, we have a warehouse in the Los Angeles area.
So precisely because we have an address there and I’m, I’m guessing maybe this is what that software is doing for you. It’s setting the shipping address as a, a localized US address, and as a [00:09:30] result, Amazon tries to pair you up with an FBA warehouse nearby. So they do this for small standard items, for oversized items.
We’ve never had any luck. Getting a nearby warehouse. So usually it’s the next state over, or a few states over, but for small, smaller items, it’s always Southern California. Once in a while we’ll get Arizona once in a while in Nevada, but it’s always in that area. So, so that’s the good news. If, if you know you, you pass through our warehouse, you’ll have that, [00:10:00] the, the last mile delivery is going to be a lot cheaper.
You don’t have to drive it, truck it halfway around the country as far as getting it into one warehouse you can use. Inventory placement, but that is crazy expensive. I, I don’t know if you’ve played around with that yet, Mike. Mm. I think that’s what we were maybe trying to do, that some friends were telling us about to try to rearrange the shipping plan, so we were rearranging the other thing to notice.[00:10:30]
Our, our partner in the factory insists to do floor loaded, not palletized. So this is a floor loaded container. Oh, okay. Yeah. So that, that could be an, an issue. I’m not sure if Amazon accepts floor load, to be honest. We researched recently and it says they do, but I don’t know. I mean, we’re also double checking, but it says they do and my, yeah, my knowledge is obsolete cuz it’s been seven years since I worked in an Amazon b a warehouse.
And back then it was only returns that were floor loaded. Everything else was, [00:11:00] you know, for sale was arriving palletized. Okay. And, and this was mainly because they have two separate receiving teams. They have the pallet team and that it goes to a special locked zone that’s for pallets, and then a secondary team comes in, it breaks the pallets up and then puts those, you know, then that team also breaks it down into individual units and that’s how it gets stopped in, in the shelves.
I’m, I’m sending inventory placement. I’m sending that word just to research in, in your chat. It’s in the settings. [00:11:30] Okay. Yeah. Shipment settings. The problem with inventory placement is that they charge by the piece, and I think it’s at, it could be as high as 55 cents per piece now per piece, so that’s insane.
If you’re sending a 40 footer, I’m assuming just by the size of that unit. You’re probably looking at, well, I don’t know, about three, 4,000 units at least, maybe more. Mm. In that container. So [00:12:00] the inventory placement fees are going to be insane. You know, we’re looking at $2,000 already. Okay. So it’s probably not, not an option you want Yeah, I, I understand.
Right. And then so the advantage of palletizing is that, yeah, Amazon can definitely receive that. We’ve done it all the time. But then, you know, as you know, the disadvantages, there’s more cost upfront on the tie side, right? Because you’re gonna have to get the pallet wood and to wrap it a certain way and, and follow all the rules of how Amazon [00:12:30] palletizes.
So, yeah. You know? Yeah. Yeah. So this is where we’ve been. I can send you a blog post and you know, I had a horrible experience in our last receiving warehouse. Was it floor loaded? Yeah, it was floor loaded. Oh yeah. So my guess would be they, they lost some pieces or misplaced them. It’s such a long story, and they, they wanted $20,000 to receive two containers.
Okay. [00:13:00] That’s, that’s, that’s not cool at all. They said best normal rate for LA before that. And they were insisting. I send them quotes that show otherwise, and I sent them multiple other quotes and they said, those are not real, or those are not actually West Coast or something like this. And then we made a payment to them, a 5k, and then they disappeared and haven’t responded and essentially stolen our product.
Wow. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, [00:13:30] that sounds like a lawsuit up and coming, but then the, I can’t imagine the pain of, of, yeah. I mean, yeah. It’s, it’s, the worst is it was a friend before, so, yeah. Wow. Wow. Yeah. No, I mean that there’s, that’s, that’s ridiculous that, that receiving fee from what I’ve seen. In fact, we would only charge a few hundred dollars to receive, cuz it’s just that labor.
It’s just the labor of pulling stuff off. You know, a container and then, and then shelving it, which would take a couple hours. [00:14:00] I mean, that seems really low, honestly. I mean, normally we were thinking at least three to 4,000 us, cuz it Oh, to receive a container, 2 44 containers, floor loaded this, just the warehouse receiving fee?
Yeah. Not shipping. Oh yeah. No, no, that’s, no, we wouldn’t charge that high. We, we, to be fair, we haven’t done a floor load, but it’s not that high. Okay. Yeah. Alright. That just re verifies. Yeah. Anyway, let’s move forward. [00:14:30] That’s another reason why you’d wanna palletize too, because with palletization it takes minutes, right?
I mean, you just, the forklift just comes in, takes a stack off, and then just repeats 20 times and you’re done. Mm-hmm. So, so you, you, you might lose a little bit of space. You’re gonna lose about maybe, Eight to 10% space of the, of the container because, you know, you’ve got all that extra air and, and wood from the pallet, but you make up for it on, on the tail end with just much cheaper receiving costs.
Got [00:15:00] it. Okay, sure. So I’ll, I’ll walk you through with a, just a, a generic kind of process. Sorry if my eyes dart cause I’m looking at another screen. Don’t worry, don’t worry. Uh, so the first thing we’re, yeah, it’s gonna be an B shipment. That’s the first thing we check, is if it’s gonna be an f b shipment, which it is.
We’re still leaning heavily towards pallet. And of course we can run the numbers if, if you want, towards the end of the zoom call and just do the number of crunching. Um, it looks like you guys have, you’ve already produced it, you’ve already [00:15:30] checked all the boxes. You guys are the shipper from the, the Thai company.
Do you guys have an export license already in Thailand as far as you know? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We do perfect. And we have a normal export agent that we, so when we did the other containers, the factory, our partner and I, they had their export side and we had our shipping side. Import side. Yeah. Import side talking.
Sure. Okay. So let’s [00:16:00] see, what else are we looking at? Okay. The importer is gonna be a US company. Yeah. So as long as you have a US tax id, an E I N E I N, Florida Corporation. Perfect. You’re gonna have to custom bond at least last time. Perfect. Then you’re set then, and you guys will be your own consignee, so that’s not a problem.
Let’s see. No FDA issues, right? You’re not, this is not an FDA or. Yeah, [00:16:30] any extra labeling. I mean, when we imported last time, there was wood. We’re not sending wood this time, but we had, it wasn’t a big issue, but there was something that we had to provide for the wood origin, yes, wood requires the lacy act, uh, paperwork that’s super easy to do.
All you need is the weight and basically the value and the species of wood. Let’s see. Yeah, so that’s, I think that’s, those are the really the big checks that you need. And of course, invoice and packing list, which you can generate pretty easily enough. Once the [00:17:00] container leaves, there’s something called an importer securely file, a security filing.
That’s something that your agent should do. It just basically lets us customs know that, hey, we got a shipment inbound. It should all be done kind of in the background. You shouldn’t even be aware of it. And then normally you give your import agent about a one week heads up before the ship’s about to arrive and they’ll start preparing the paperwork.
You know, I’m assuming that the ship arrives in Los Angeles, I’m assuming is is the port you’re looking at? Yeah. I mean LAX is what we, what? Fair? Yeah. And then [00:17:30] from then on, it’s about a one week clearance process. Then the, that’s the first big expense in the us So you’re, you’re usually looking at around 500 to a thousand dollars to clear because of all the.
Paperwork and labor is so expensive in the US so all the, all the paperwork’s gotta be filed. The next expense is drayage. So that’s when we gotta get a, basically a tractor trailer, like an 18 wheeler to go down to the port and retrieve the container, right? So that, that [00:18:00] has a bunch of fees. Not only the labor, but we have to pay for a port pass and you know, all the fees, you know, environmental fees and this and that.
Drayage can be close to a thousand dollars as well. Once that’s done, then the item, the container is typically brought into a warehouse, like it could be our warehouse. And then from then on it’s just D van, which is basically pull all the contents out. And if you’ve got an Amazon shipment plan already set up, then it’s just a matter of arranging Amazon to come and pick up [00:18:30] the pallets from then on.
Or if you don’t wanna send it to Amazon right away, then storage by the pallet or even by the carton is an option. Yeah. So maybe since I know we’ve been chatting about it, but maybe just for the completeness of the call, as we know, Amazon keeps increasing their storage fees. Can, can you remind me what happened with that?
Sure. Currently the rate is 87 cents per cubic meter per month, and this assumes that a, a relatively, you know, Your, [00:19:00] your goods are flowing. I think if, if you’ve got an average dwell time of over six months, the rate increases again to around a buck and a half. I think I have to double check. And then if you hit the nine month mark, it goes up even more.
And then as, as you know, the fourth quarter, that’s when it gets insane. It goes in like the $2, two and a half dollars range for cubic foot per month. So that’s definitely something you want to be wary of. You know, you just wanna bring in the minimum amount into FBA that’s needed to. You know, to not run outta stock [00:19:30] basically.
And, and this is the one good thing of using a, a third party warehouse for temporary storage. You can get cheaper rates usually. For example, our warehouse, I think we charge 50 cents a cub foot per month. So, and, and there’s no, no gimmicks. Like if you hold up for more than six months or during December, the rate is still the same.
Okay, got it. Yeah. So one thing, are you familiar with Amazon partner carrier? I think you’ve mentioned it to me before, [00:20:00] but, but you see, or Amazon partner, carrier. It’s a sy it’s a system we’re on, and what it basically means is that that last mile delivery to fba, it can be done two ways. You can arrange your own truck to deliver straight into the Amazon warehouse, or you can tell Amazon to pick it up from you.
So the advantage of telling Amazon to come and pick it up from you is that they are cheap. They are so much cheaper [00:20:30] than other trucking companies that it doesn’t even make sense to use other trucking companies to do that last mile. Just as a sort of an example, within California, it typically typically costs us around a hundred dollars per pallet to do that final delivery, and that’s deducted from your Amazon seller account.
So Amazon will come, they’ll pick up your pallet, they’ll inbound it, and then at that point, your seller central account will get pulled about a hundred bucks per pallet. If you were to use a, you know, a [00:21:00] private trucking company, the, the cheapest rates we’re able to get now is around two or $300 per pallet, even within California.
And if you’re shipping to, let’s say, Texas from California something, then the rates will go like three, four, $500 a pallet. So it’s definitely the way to go for that last smile. Okay. The only drawback to APC is that they’re a little slow, so you just have to, you know, plan bounding a little bit more. So like the, the best trucking companies we [00:21:30] use will typically get your cargo into Amazon FBA within maybe three to five days.
Amazon may take twice as long, you know, maybe a week or so, but that’s usually, it’s still worth it for us. Makes sense. That makes sense. Anin, do you wanna share about the idea of like maybe not sending the whole container at once and splitting it? Yeah. Yeah, so this is something that actually a couple of our customers do.
So we work with, we’re a small [00:22:00] business, so we work with a lot of small businesses and a lot of them aren’t able to just churn out container after container after container, you know, a couple times a month. So what they opt to do is they may be like, we, we guarantee we’ll send you a container’s worth, can you give us three months to do it?
And then we’ll write a contract and be like, sure, we’ll give you the container rate plus extra paperwork fees. And then you can send maybe six, seven pallets at a time. 40 pallets go inside a container, by the way. So, and, and this way they’re able to [00:22:30] maintain a good rate while not putting too much stress on their factory.
It benefits them. It benefits us because we are, we, we have continuous cargo coming in and we’re both able to benefit off of this. So for something like this, you might not need to send that entire 40 footer right away. Maybe, you know, that’s six months worth of. Inventory. So you might only wanna send maybe a third of it and then the next month, a third of it, and then so on.
Okay. So that could be an idea because storage in Thailand is much [00:23:00] cheaper. Mm-hmm. It’s probably free at the factory, so you can just hold onto it until, and then you just plan like two months out, which is about the, the amount of time it would take leaving your factory before it gets into Amazon. I know we’re planning a 20 foot or LCL in July right now.
Mm-hmm. So, Maybe it would be, do you think, LCL or 20 foot, I mean, let’s, we can run the numbers. Sometimes it seems, we have people say we, they want to do a 20 footer and then they’ll come to us and we’re [00:23:30] even able, we’re able to beat a 20 foot price because we just take their 20 in their 20 footer worth of cargo parrot with some other cargo.
We got a 40 footer and then the 40 footer goes. And because a 40 footer is actually not that much more expensive than shipping a 20 footer. We can pass the savings on to the customer and then we get a cu a customer out of it as well. Got it. Okay. So that can be an idea. Yeah. So, so that’s, that’s later we can talk about, but yeah, this one is a bit more UR [00:24:00] urgent.
Hmm. If it’s super urgent, you know, I’m just throwing ideas around obviously. We’ll, we’ll look at the numbers. One thing we’ve often done is we just send, we just pick up the cargo direct from the factory. Like we, we literally have a, a truck down there tomorrow. And we can do the entire prep at, at our warehouse.
So, and then since you’re here in Shanghai, you can just come in and look at it. So it’ll be everything from, you know, bar coding at the individual level if needed. The mean they’re down in Hawaii. I mean, but it would make sense to [00:24:30] come up and go down again. Yeah, that’s a, that’s a good question. We get asked that pretty frequently in, in the big picture, if you’re sending a lot of cargo.
No, it does. It obviously doesn’t. But if you’re, if you’re not a quite a big seller, it does in some ways because labor is cheaper up here in Cheang Mai, and so is rent. So we pay much less rent than let’s say in Jo or in the Bangkok Truk area. And because of that, there’s some savings to the actual labor for, you know, putting together the cargo.[00:25:00]
And then obviously as, as you guys grow and grow and grow, then you know there’s gonna be better options down the road. Maybe a warehouse closer to the port, or maybe, you know, we can figure out how to train the Johan team to pack pallets, you know, and, and create Amazon shipments by the pallet and so on.
Got it. Well, the reason about the pallet is not, they don’t know how, but he, he insists they can fix so much more product. Yes, you absolutely can. But yeah, like, but you just gotta run the numbers and, [00:25:30] and see, well, if I can get 10% more product on the pallet, is that offset by $2,000 offloading? Yeah. I see.
Okay. I think, I think we covered it. Sure. Yeah. Do you want to look at some numbers? Yeah, so let me, I can find, so I don’t know if you’ve talked to some shipping companies about booking a 40 footer. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we have. [00:26:00] They say rates are gonna go up in July. I don’t know, that’s maybe cause we’re, we’re nearing a quarter of the fourth quarter, right?
So July, August, September is everyone’s trying to push items in for Christmas. Ty typically, if, if you talk to just, just the freight forwarder, uh, the, the current rate for a 40 footer is in the $2,000 range. But that is just the voyage, right? So none of these guys talk to you about the trucking costs or the paperwork costs or you know, on, on both the US and the tie [00:26:30] side, you know, and then all the other paperwork that’s involved.
But I would estimate that to do a full service into, let’s say our LA warehouse, it’s probably gonna be seven or $8,000 because that’s cuz everything else is like, you know, paperwork and trucking and all that and the labor of, of packing materials. That stuff, okay. So I’m looking up the packing list, but I’m looking it up.
But it’s, it’s a, it’s I think, seven different SKUs in the 40 foot. [00:27:00] Mm. By, by carton. Okay. Yeah. That’s great. That’s not too insane. We, we have some, some sellers that sell one pallet’s, got 50 SKUs on it. Yeah. Seven or eight. So they’re, they’re pretty complicated to, to do the paperwork for. And thank you to our sponsor, our returning sponsor, mercury.com online bank.
Well, it’s a real bank, but we can talk totally online for us. Our Blimp program participants are going through this as well. Thank you, mercury. Travis is great there. It’s been on our show, it’s been in [00:27:30] our events. We’re gonna have another event where we will have them attending as well. And if you want to get a little bonus for you and us, if you sign up and do some special circumstances, you can go to global information.com/mercury.
I also have a video tutorial that we use even for the. Of people use the same exact video to learn how to use it. I hope you can check it out totally free. Why not see you there? Thank you so much. Jenga again was Jenga Gonzalez, I think. First podcast interview he is been on, I believe. He [00:28:00] said, I think you did great.
You know, but to me, It’s about this really unique content, this content that’s hard to find anywhere. You know, like even I’ll have to be honest, I was even considering not publishing it, it crossed my mind. I’m like, this is just really juicy, really informative, valuable, no BS content, but I’m thinking this is what global formation is supposed to be.
You know, I, I, I, I can’t believe I’m gonna say it. But I’ve been out in Asia since 2007, like 15 [00:28:30] years. Been selling online since 2004, almost 20 years, 15 years in Asia, 20 years to an e-commerce, and just like the cross border summit, you know, people like Jenga are gonna be there. Yeah, we got some kind of famous people that are on podcasts, but we got a lot of people that are not famous, that are amazing, that will teach you and share with you just raw.
Knowledge about how to do trade and business and e-commerce and Amazon from Asia around the world. It’s gonna be just an amazing one. [00:29:00] You know, we still got like six months to go. It’s been nice that we should get people applying. We’re talking to them, our team’s doing great, talking to those people, making sure they’re right.
Fit because I want discomfort to be something that I want with no recordings. You know, we’re gonna be just like a hundred, 150 max people with speakers and attendees and sponsors. So it’s gonna be a really, really amazing one. And I’m just putting everything we got into this. And thanks Jenkins for sharing.
Thanks to me. You know, thanks to our team. My [00:29:30] team, actually, our e-commerce team, not our content team, made the show notes because we put this also as an SOP because we learned new things. And again, it’s kind of a little bit of conflict of interest a little bit cuz I’m a seller and I’m also a content share.
But I said whatever. I just hope you get something out of this. Sharing the raw knowledge, the raw secrets that we get here totally for free. It’s a beautiful day. It’s kind of hot though. There is a, a lime tree right here and near. Check this out. If you’re watching, [00:30:00] there’s limes. Right there, you know, this is, this is what life is about.
You know, you don’t need lots of fancy things. You know, just, just try to make a better life for yourself, your family, those friends around you. So again, thanks for watching. I’m carrying my camera around for the intro, outro, and enjoying what I do. You know, living Breezing, e-commerce web three. I got some interesting things.
We always got so much stuff going on. It’s like nonstop work. Nonstop [00:30:30] work. Anyways, thanks for watching. Sending the Best. This is gonna be global major.com/thailand shipping. See you later. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website. At Triple w.global from asia.com.
That’s Triple w.global from asia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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