GFA027. Welcome back everyone to Global From Asia, episode 27. It has been raining for about a week straight here in South of China and even had some hail come down on Sunday night with minor flooding.
Hong Kong Needs Stripe Merchant Account Services
GFA026. As a Hong Kong business owner, accepting credit cards online is a crucial piece! We need Stripe in Hong Kong. With limited options for accepting credit cards online, especially in many of our e-commerce and technology startups!
Hong Kong Programmer & Tech Scene with Chris Li
GFA025. Thank you for tuning in to another Global From Asia show! Finally in shorts and flip flops here in South China as its warming up finally from an abnormally longer cold streak! So I’m in an extra good mood recording this intro – and I’m also excited as we get into today’s episode!
Maneuvering Cross Border Business in China, Hong Kong with Steve Marsh
GFA024. Thanks everyone for tuning in to another Global From Asia podcast! It is really humid here in Southern China – in my building literally tiles are falling off the walls due to the dampness! Always something interesting happening around here.
Getting a Hong Kong Credit Card
GFA023. Today we are bringing back Chris Gormley, who was on the show back in Episode 9 on B2B Global Business, he has always been a reference point for me and others when getting credit cards in Hong Kong . This podcast may sound a bit dry talking about interest rates, accounting, grace periods, and bank statements – but I believe its extremely eye opening for those doing business overseas.
Sourcing Consumer Electronics From China, on the Ground Experience with Attila
GFA022. Thanks everyone for tuning into another episode of Global From Asia! I’m getting settled back into my home in Asia – getting over jet lag from the 1 month roadshow in USA and back to my cross border routine jumping between Hong Kong and Shenzhen on a regular basis.
Managing International Cashflow & Business Lessons with Attila
GFA021. Today’s episode is at the tail end of my 1 month USA road trip (sorry I missed last week, too much traveling!) and I was able to get some juicy inside information about how my friend Attila runs his international business, dealing with international banking, cash flows , import and export headaches for consumer electronics in and out of China, and some business lessons with business partners. Enjoy!
Obtaining US Intellectual Property from Asia with Tayan Patel
GFA020. Today we have Tayan Patel – an experienced Intellectual property lawyer that has worked inside the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) for many years but now is practicing in a firm. He has helped clients, like me, who are based outside of the US obtain patents and trademarks.
Dutch Businessman Jeff Broer on Establishing Business in Hong Kong
GFA019. Thank you everyone for tuning into another episode of Global From Asia – we’re at episode #19 here – I’m still on the road in USA – currently in Hartford, Connecticut – my hometown where I was born and raised. We also just passed Chinese New years – left the year of the Snake and now enter the year of the Horse! Now that we have the Western and Chinese New Years behind us, time to rock in 2014!
Local Hong Kong Marketing Tips with Kevin She
GFA018. Thanks for tuning into episode 18 of Global From Asia – currently in Portland, Oregon visiting some of my advisors in my startup Social Agent Limited, heading up to Seattle tomorrow on this month long road trip! Been a bit eye opening for me back in America after 2 years now, bit of a reverse culture shock.
Running Retail & E-Commerce from Hong Kong with Jennifer Cheng
GFA017. Recording today’s podcast as I am packing up for my USA trip. I’ll be flying from Hong Kong over to San Francisco and taking a road trip around the country with my wife and friend Attila. anyone interested to check out the funny movie trailer I recorded, can do so on!
Opening a Merchant Account From Hong Kong with Jo Chan from Asiapay
GFA016. One of the top questions I get asked is how can Hong Kong companies accept credit cards (Visa / Mastercard) for their online businesses? We know what a headache it is for hong kong merchant account applicants and they are left in the dark. So many are only using Paypal, due to either application processes being tedious and expensive, or just not knowing of a feasible solution. So today my friend Gary Lam helped connect me to Jo Chan, the Founder and President of AsiaPay – the leading merchant services provider for Hong Kong companies.
3 Ways to Raise Funds & Differences of USA from Hong Kong
GFA015. Part 2 of a 2 part series, Jon gets deep into equity financing structure at the seed level, breaking down the 3 main structures when raising startup capital. He also goes over the difference raising money in Hong Kong (Asia) versus USA (Silicon Valley). Take out your notebooks, this is jammed with value and examples.
Hong Kong Startup Scene Beginnings with Jon Buford
GFA014. This is a jam packed session about how the Hong Kong startup community spark started and how the first coworking space, BootHK was established. Leading into Jon’s latest venture Makible which has traction and funding – Jon shares the story.
This is part 1 of a 2 part series. The next series goes into the 3 structures when raising startup capital.
China-Axlr8r Accelerator Program Fireside Chat
GFA013. Today is a special one for me, being an alumni of Chinaccelerator program’s 3rd batch where I started Social Agent and met my soon-to-be-wife Wendy, I get to host a “fireside chat” with Todd and Cyril while Todd was in Shenzhen on a roadshow. Applications for their 5th batch are open for another week so check it out and see if you can Apply your startup in their program today!
International Venture Capitalist Tim Draper visits Hong Kong
GFA012. The final part of our special StartMeUp Hong Kong series, we have here with us Tim Draper a world renowned venture capitalist! He’s visiting Hong Kong as the Venture Forum’s keynote speaker, and shares some valuable insights about trends in industries happening around the world, and opportunities for Hong Kong, Asia based companies specifically.
What Hong Kong can Learn from the Israel Startup Scene with Jon Medved
GFA011. As part of the 2nd of a 3 part series, we have here with us Jonathan Medved visiting Hong Kong from Israel. He’s a serial entrepreneur and an amazing speaker and all around fun guy to chat with! He gives us some real advice about how startup communities form, join in together to support each other – and how Israel has become Number 2 in producing innovation after Silicon Valley!
Douglas Richard from School for Startups in UK shares his Asia Perspective
GFA010. We’re in for a treat! This is a special 3 part series for the StartMeUp.Hk’s Venture Forum speakers. I was able to interview Doug right off the plane from London, getting some great insights on his experiences selling his company in USA, moving to UK to start an investment fund, getting to become a Dragon on Dragon’s Den and his new venture School for Startups.
Global B2B Business and R&D Fundraising in Singapore with Chris Gormley
GFA009. Chris Gormley is the guy to know for doing International Business and we’re really lucky to have him on the show! He has setup and operated companies all over the world, with 11 current entities structured in places such as UK, Hong Kong, Montreal, Australia, China, Singapore, and United States.
Importing Insight into China via Hong Kong with Bas Van Der Wals
GFA008. Today we have a Dutch businessman based in Shanghai, Sebastian Van Der Wals, explaining his process of setting up a Hong Kong company, establishing himself in Shanghai, China, and building up his wine distribution in the Chinese market.
Practical Legal Advice for Overseas Businesses with Andrew Leyden
GFA007. Today we’re in for a treat – Andrew Leyden, my good friend having met in the Hong Kong startup community, a retired American lawyer, spills his guts on how it is as an American doing business overseas, as well as straight up legal advice and tax advice. Again, he and I want to be careful, don’t quote us – please consult a professional tax accountant or attorney for your specific case! Enjoy this one everyone!
Tips on HK Company Share Transfer & Merchant Accounts with Marshall Taplits
GFA006. Thanks so much for being on the show Marshall, people have been learning a lot and messaging me to thank you already!
InvestHK’s Charles Ng Shares on Ways Businesses Leverage their Government Programs
GFA005. Interested to learn about Hong Kong’s government initiatives to help businesses startup, base, and grow with Hong Kong as their headquarters? Then today’s episode is for you! We’ll sit down with Charles Ng, Associate Director of InvestHK and heading their new initiative StartupMeUp.HK. Listeners today can learn how they can better get benefit from the Hong Kong government programs, and talk to a real person about finding their way in Hong Kong’s many business programs offered!
Hong Kong Visas & Immigrations with Stephen Barnes
GFA004. Today we sit down with Stephen Barnes from Hong Kong Visa Centre and discuss how business owners should consider the visa and immigration process in Hong Kong. Is it right for them? Will they be registering a HK Limited and planning to remain in Hong Kong, or working “offshore”?
Casey Lau from StartupsHK + Softlayer Catalyst on the Hong Kong Startup Scene
GFA003. Today’s episode I’m lucky enough to catch an interview w/ Casey Lau, co-founder of Startups HK and also the Asia Pacific Community manager at Softlayer Hosting. I get some time to chat about the Hong Kong startup scene and how those who have a Hong Kong company but not in the local area can get involved.