Crypto Talk, Applied To Asia, & Supply Chain Applications with Shill Nye

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Investment, Podcast0 Comments

GFA237. Crypto Talk! We are talking Crypto here at Global From Asia. I know – some of you feel it is all scams – but there are legitimate projects and initiatives happening. By you subscribing and listening today I assume you like and trust us here at GFA – so hear us out. Blockchain will be a game changer more than the internet has been for the world. For full show notes, check out

Turning Around An Amazon FBA Business with Marc Roca

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast0 Comments

GFAE041. Welcome to the Ecommerce Gladiator series – and I am excited today to bring into the Colosseum – our newest gladiator – Para Living Inc’s new partner and General Manager – Marc Roca! A pleasure to finally introduce you on the show and talk about Amazon FBA turnaround. For full show notes, check out

Meet the Team At Global From Asia

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Logistics, Podcast0 Comments

GFA235. Today’s show is a different style – we are taking small clips of various team members and going “Behind the scenes” at GFA to see who is doing what and what we are really working on all day. We are fully online – and it is an amazing thing that made my move from China to Thailand a lot less stressful – at least business wise. Meet the GFA team. For full show notes, check out

Greetings from Yiwu, China – Reflections on Yiwu Sourcing for Amazon FBA with Ino Topalovic

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast3 Comments

GFAE040. Hello from the middle of Mainland China – we are recording live at our Yiwu sourcing Trip. It is a pleasure to bring back Ino on the show from Insight Quality – and discuss about our Yiwu sourcing reflections, how things went with the moka pot sourcing and other items in the past – and how we should do it better this time around. For full show notes, check out

Staying Ahead of the Curve with E-Commerce Online Team Leverage with Nathan Hirsch

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast3 Comments

GFA234. Today’s topic is about building an ecommerce team. Having a good team is critical to the success of a business our guest, Nathan Hirsh, co-founder and CEO of Freeeup a platform to help you find vetted and quality online staff. He and I have a great conversation and I think it will help many people at various stages of their business – ecommerce or not. For full show notes, check out

What Makes a Successful Amazon FBA Seller?

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast0 Comments

GFAE039. We are back with Ecommerce Gladiator – and it is a pleasure to bring Meir Simhi back on the show. It has been a year since this business launched and you were the inspiration of starting it. We have all learned a lot here and today let’s discuss what has been working and what hasn’t. For full show notes, check out

How to Triple your Ecommerce Sales By Going International with Tommaso Tamburnotti

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast1 Comment

GFA233. We are talking about today about how to triple your sales by looking to international markets or selling globally. We have a co-founder from Easy Ship on, Tommaso Tamburnotti and he shares some unique insights about international markets you may have never considered – with actionable advice on what you can do to go global – from Asia! For full show notes, check out

What It Is Like To Start and Run a Chinese Factory with Bryant Zhang

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Manufacturing, Podcast0 Comments

GFA232 + GFAE Bonus Announcement. Welcome to this week’s show, loyal listeners! Today we brought Bryant Zhang, co-founder of Ennoplus factory. They are a manufacturer and designer of solar powered outdoor LED lights. I am inside the factory to do this show, and discuss some insights of how they started and grew so fast. For full show notes, check out

Starting Up and Developing a SaaS business with Renaud Anjoran

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast0 Comments

GFA230. Interested in starting a SaaS business? Then today you are in for a treat! Renaud from Syncontrol, a QC inspection software is on the show and we are talking customers: ‘rabbits’, ‘deers’, ‘elephants’ and the 4 stages: ‘build’, ‘nail’, ‘grow’, ‘milk’, and the slow growth of revenue and the need for financing. For full show notes, check out

Journey From a bootstrapped business to a funded software startup in Asia with Chris Rawlings

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast1 Comment

GFA229. This week we have Chris Rawlings, CEO and Founder of Judo Launch a hot new startup helping Amazon sellers launch their products. We got him on the show today to talk about his journey from a 7 figure Amazon seller to a funded software startup and coming to China. For full show notes, check out
funded software startup

Optimizing Our Amazon Listing With Zack Franklin

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast1 Comment

GFAE036. We have in this episode Zack Franklin from AMZ Kungfu helping us with our amazon listing improvement. We will take a look at our current moka pot listing and for our listeners serious about Amazon, I hope you will learn from this and won’t get discouraged. For full show notes, check out

The Story of Neat Hk Developing in Hong Kong to Help the Banking Market with David Rosa and Igor Wos

Michael MicheliniBanking, Corporate, Podcast2 Comments

GFA228. This week’s show we have a hot FinTech startup here – Neat HK – I call them a “bank” but they won’t say they are. They have been working hard on a personal and business financial services solution in HK for years and today we have 2 of the founders on the show to talk about the story and explain their solution more. For full show notes, check out

Structure and Optimization: Let’s Talk PPC

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast1 Comment

GFAE035. We are preparing for the main product launch We are thirty five shows deep here at the Global From Asia sub-series Ecommerce Gladiator – and as I type this the moka pot has finally shipped from China. The team nerves are being tested and Cadrian has been studying closely the PPC campaigns. He is using various software and one is Bid X a new kid on the block. For full show notes, check out

That Anxious Time When It Is Almost There

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast0 Comments

GFAE034. Anxious Ecommerce. So we are pushing through, Roland is bouncing back and forth between China and Europe like a ping pong ball it seems – he is here in China and we got to meetup while he was in Shenzhen. Seeing the photos of the moka pot and the photographer sending various versions is getting us on the edge of our seats! For full show notes, check out

The Opportunity of Latin America Expansion & Bridging China with Esteban Kadamani

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast0 Comments

GFA226. Welcome to another Global From Asia Podcast! We are keeping up our promise to keep you guys up to date with wild and amazing new business trends and today I am so excited to share with you – Global From Asia is investing in the Latin America market – big time. Find out more about our Latin America expansion! For full show notes, check out

Spelling Mistakes, Tweaks, Shipping 1000 Pieces

Michael MicheliniEcommerce Series, Podcast0 Comments

GAE033. Just ship it. This week we have Roland and Mike sharing about the moka pots are FINALLY ready to ship – since maybe September/October we have been talking about this product. A mistake also slipped through the cracks, we dealt with it – sooner than later- and are shipping these bad boys to Amazon FBA. For full show notes, check out