Running a Kickstarter Campaign from Hong Kong & China Multiple Times with Martin Kessler

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast, Sales1 Comment

GFA053. Speaking of Kickstarters – Martin is working with Julian Lee from Ambiclimate (we had him on Episode 46, on his Crowdfunding in Asia experiences) so it is awesome to see this coming full circle! I didn’t mention this on the show, but they launched their Kickstarter TODAY as I release this podcast, so support them if you can at today! I’ll be backing them once its live!

Tax Audits and Accounting in Regards to a Hong Kong Limited Company with Fion Sen

Michael MicheliniCorporate, Podcast, Taxes10 Comments

GFA050. Thank you everyone – hitting a small milestone episode #50 , thanks for following along and listening again. Working hard on the book – calling it Hong Kong Supercharged – and its over 150 pages now…. deep into company setup and operation here so I hope people like it once I release in …a month or so? Still too early to promise a release date.

USA Government Programs for Exporting & Selling American Products Internationally with Bryson and Paul

Michael MicheliniCorporate, Investment, Podcast6 Comments

GFA049. On the show 2 US government gurus dealing with helping businesses export and sell American goods abroad, Bryson Patterson from U.S. Small Business Administration and Paul Bergman from US Department of Commerce. I learned a ton, and even if you’re not American – you can get some of these benefits if you sell American goods abroad

Overview of Getting Job Placement in Hong Kong with Justin Leung

Michael MicheliniCorporate, HR and Legal, Podcast4 Comments

GFA043. Thanks for tuning in again, I’m recording this after taking a midday hike in Nanshan Mountain – in late July. I wanted to clear my head a bit and get some sun – but that was a bad idea – got a little dizzy towards the top and luckily I could grab a gatorade from a vendor on the mountain (yes, in China they have vendors – with humans inside, on the tops of mountains!)

E-Commerce from Hong Kong & Aftership Story with Andrew Chan

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast3 Comments

GFA038. Welcome everyone to episode 38 – still keeping these up weekly and I’m loving it – hope you are too! Have gotten a bunch of signups for my new email newsletter, thanks for your interest everyone and I’ll be sure to send you special updates and news as they develop – as well as first access and free access to my new book on Hong Kong business supercharged!

Process of Opening a HSBC Hong Kong Bank Account with Christopher Moore

Michael MicheliniBanking, Corporate, Podcast2 Comments

GFA037. Welcome everyone to episode 37 of Global From Asia! middle of June here and father’s day just passed. A special one for me as its the first time I’m a father on this special holiday. And gave my dad a long distance call – for all those global business owners like me – I know one of the hardest sacrifices is being away from friends and family! But the amazing benefits and experiences of international business is an amazing upside as well.

Running a Kickstarter From China and Asia with Joe Constanty

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast, Sales3 Comments

GFA036. Thanks everyone for tuning in again this week! I’ve been working hard on updating the website this past week, making a free eBook how to Supercharge your Hong Kong company. If you guys are interested please go to the site and pop in your email to get the teaser card, and when the book is complete you’ll get you copy free!