GFA102. This week’s show we have Damien Bos sharing about his experience building and exiting an e-commerce flash sales site for the Hong Kong market, for full show notes go to
Selling Your Product in China via Chinese Distributors w/ Dan Harris
GFA101. Dan Harris from China Law Blog sharing with us a hot topic: getting Chinese distributors to partner with you in selling your products in the Chinese market. Show notes at
College Interns For Your Hong Kong Tech Company w/ Anna & Constantine
GFA100. We have today with us Anna Wong and Constantine Spandagos from their new venture World Leader, talking about the college intern scene getting more entrepreneurial and warming up to startups.
Overview of Quality Control in China with Andy Church
GFA099. Welcome everyone to magic number 99 – the summer is coming to an end! Back to school and back to work season is coming – luckily I got a couple more years before my kid goes to school and I start paying those bills! Good motivation to keep pushing!
How B2B Sales Skills Helped Gary Murphy Launch Little Soya
GFA098. How to use hustle and sales and soft skills to find a niche and build a soy sauce and shake the market up!
Emergence of a New Media Company in Hong Kong with Tom Grundy
GFA097. Happy Tuesday morning everyone, I am so excited you’re here with me – it is HOT HOT HOT here in South China, August is always a killer but still even after all these years not used it, sweat through a shirt or two a day ha!
Selling on Amazon USA with a Chinese or International Company
GFA096. Everyone is going crazy to sell on Amazon USA from Hong Kong! Read our Reasons why you should setup your HQ in Hong Kong for your Amazon FBA business. Now back to the podcast!
Updates on the Hong Kong Tech: Startups, Coworking, Incubators, & Events with Atin Batra
GFA095. Want to get caught up with the rapidly developing Hong Kong startup Scene – talking about startup events, tech scene, coworking office spaces (tons in Hong Kong) and investment vehicles like incubators and accelerators, then welcome to Global From Asia episode 95.
Use Case of Bitcoin Transfer To Skip International Transfer Fees w/ Adrian Bye
GFA094. Looking for examples on using bitcoin for your international business? Welcome to episode 94 of Global From Asia!
Listener Interviews Mike – What is His Story?
GFA093. This one the tables are turned! A listener to the show, James, interviews Mike with questions and digs into his story, the show’s history, family life, and more.
Logistics and Fulfillment between China + International Markets with Fred Perrotta
GFA092. Looking to get some insights on Logistics, Warehousing and Fulfillment from China to the USA and international markets, today we dive into them, so listen in!
Public Relations (PR) Strategies in Asia with Nathan Millard
GFA091. Looking to get some tips and insights about PR in Asia – episode 91 is for you – let’s do this!
Starting & Growing Your International E-Commerce Business w/ Gerard Nieuwenhuis
GFA090. I’m really preparing for my USA trip in September, flying on Sept 11 to San Francisco with the wife and kiddo, few days in new York and then most of the time in Florida with my parents. Preparing some meetup for you guys, still in early stage planning if you have suggestions let me know!
5 Things to Consider When Deciding Where to Setup Your International Business: Hong Kong, USA, China?
GFA089. Today it’s just me on the microphone sharing a common question I’m asked – where should I incorporate my business? In today’s world, we are blessed with the ability to have so many choices and not forced to incorporate where we were born or have our passport. But with more choices comes more complexities. Today I will go through five main points I would recommend you run down when deciding what the best option is for your business.
Using Seasteading To Build Your Own Floating Country with Leo Weese
GFA088. Want to build your own country and government on a floating island, yes, crazy – let’s try this out – global from asia episode 88.
Hong Kong Tourist & Travel Destinations when on Business with SamTheLocal
GFA087. Looking for Fun Places To Tour in Hong Kong – we got some locals for you today – Global From Asia episode 87.
Application Process for Braintree Payments Merchant Account in Hong Kong with David Hehenberger
GFA086. Still trying to figure out the best merchant account option for your Hong Kong business? Today’s Global From Asia number 86 is for you.
Starting a Smartwatch Brand, Omate, On Kickstarter & Taking It To The Next Level with Laurent Le Pen
GFA085. Starting a Smartwatch Brand, Omate on Kickstarter and taking it to the next level – Laurent Shares His Story, global from asia episode 85.
Building an e-Cigarette brand in UK via China & Selling For 60 million Sterling with Sam Marks
GFA084. Story of building an e-Cigarette brand in UK from China and selling it for 60 million Sterling with Sam Marks.
Dealing with Receipts & Bookkeeping for Your Business, In or Outside of Hong Kong with Michael Wood
GFA083. Love accounting and invoices and paperwork? Dealing with expensing and receipts for your business, in or outside of Hong Kong – welcome to Global From Asia episode 83.
How Business Owners in Hong Kong Can Hire Foreigners with Fion Sen
GFA082. When employing overseas talents, which working visa is the most appropriate? Employment Visa vs. Investment Visa, criteria to apply… of maybe get married for a dependent Visa, – episode 82 of global From Asia is where’ you’ll get some ideas!
Experiences & Tips Finding Chinese Business Partners for Your E-Commerce Business with Russell Smith
GFA081. Want more insights, especially positive ones, on finding Chinese business partners for your e-commerce business – welcome to Global From Asia episode number 81!
Digital Marketing Strategies in Asia on a Shoestring Budget with Michael Lamb
GFA080. So today, we are talking Digital marketing strategies with Asia in mind and on a tight (aka shoestring) budget – dealing with cultures and languages and multiple domains.
Tips and Tricks for China Sourcing Trade Shows with Peter Zapf
GFA079. Need some tips and tricks for the trade show season, then let’s get rocking – Global From Asia episode 79.
Tips & Insights on Dealing with Chinese Business Partners w/ Youtuber SerpentZA
GFA078. Hope everyone is having an amazing Tuesday morning, life is just amazing and we should all be so thankful to have this opportunity to live in today’s world and make a difference.