Perspective of E-Commerce Between Asia & USA with Jeremy Hanks

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast0 Comments

GFA030. Jeremy Hanks on the show, he is co-founder of Doba dropship platform and now focused on Dropship Commerce software. He has been visiting Hong Kong and China a few times now from America, and I was able to catch him during his few days in town for this podcast talking about e-commerce and dropship in America and looking into it from an Asian company perspective.

Using Content to Build Your Business’s Brand Awareness In Asia with Barrett Bingley

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast, Sales0 Comments

GFA029. Happy Easter to everyone out there, hope the easter bunny gave you lots of treats in your Easter basket! I’m just wrapping up a jam packed weekend of Startup Weekend here in Shenzhen, China one of our most successful yet with over 140 participants right in the headquarters of Tencent internet company. Helping organize these events always inspires me to keep pushing and challenging myself in my own business endeavors – its just so full of energy!

Negotiating with Chinese Marketplace Sellers with Nik B

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Manufacturing, Podcast2 Comments

GFA028. Thanks everyone for tuning in – spring is in the air, and Easter is coming – though not much celebration here, I honestly forgot it was coming until I was in Hong Kong – Hong Kong is so lucky, they get the holidays for both Western and Chinese calendars – they will have Good Friday off as well as Easter Monday off, while those in mainland China are business as usual!

Getting a Hong Kong Credit Card

Michael MicheliniBanking, Corporate, Podcast10 Comments

GFA023. Today we are bringing back Chris Gormley, who was on the show back in Episode 9 on B2B Global Business, he has always been a reference point for me and others when getting credit cards in Hong Kong . This podcast may sound a bit dry talking about interest rates, accounting, grace periods, and bank statements – but I believe its extremely eye opening for those doing business overseas.

Managing International Cashflow & Business Lessons with Attila

Michael MicheliniBanking, Corporate, Podcast2 Comments

GFA021. Today’s episode is at the tail end of my 1 month USA road trip (sorry I missed last week, too much traveling!) and I was able to get some juicy inside information about how my friend Attila runs his international business, dealing with international banking, cash flows , import and export headaches for consumer electronics in and out of China, and some business lessons with business partners. Enjoy!

Dutch Businessman Jeff Broer on Establishing Business in Hong Kong

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Case Studies, Podcast1 Comment

GFA019. Thank you everyone for tuning into another episode of Global From Asia – we’re at episode #19 here – I’m still on the road in USA – currently in Hartford, Connecticut – my hometown where I was born and raised. We also just passed Chinese New years – left the year of the Snake and now enter the year of the Horse! Now that we have the Western and Chinese New Years behind us, time to rock in 2014!

Local Hong Kong Marketing Tips with Kevin She

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast, Sales5 Comments

GFA018. Thanks for tuning into episode 18 of Global From Asia – currently in Portland, Oregon visiting some of my advisors in my startup Social Agent Limited, heading up to Seattle tomorrow on this month long road trip! Been a bit eye opening for me back in America after 2 years now, bit of a reverse culture shock.

Hong Kong Startup Scene Beginnings with Jon Buford

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Case Studies, Podcast9 Comments

GFA014. This is a jam packed session about how the Hong Kong startup community spark started and how the first coworking space, BootHK was established. Leading into Jon’s latest venture Makible which has traction and funding – Jon shares the story.

This is part 1 of a 2 part series. The next series goes into the 3 structures when raising startup capital.

China-Axlr8r Accelerator Program Fireside Chat

Michael MicheliniCorporate, Investment, Podcast0 Comments

GFA013. Today is a special one for me, being an alumni of Chinaccelerator program’s 3rd batch where I started Social Agent and met my soon-to-be-wife Wendy, I get to host a “fireside chat” with Todd and Cyril while Todd was in Shenzhen on a roadshow. Applications for their 5th batch are open for another week so check it out and see if you can Apply your startup in their program today!

International Venture Capitalist Tim Draper visits Hong Kong

Michael MicheliniCorporate, Investment, Podcast0 Comments

GFA012. The final part of our special StartMeUp Hong Kong series, we have here with us Tim Draper a world renowned venture capitalist! He’s visiting Hong Kong as the Venture Forum’s keynote speaker, and shares some valuable insights about trends in industries happening around the world, and opportunities for Hong Kong, Asia based companies specifically.

What Hong Kong can Learn from the Israel Startup Scene with Jon Medved

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Case Studies, Podcast0 Comments

GFA011. As part of the 2nd of a 3 part series, we have here with us Jonathan Medved visiting Hong Kong from Israel. He’s a serial entrepreneur and an amazing speaker and all around fun guy to chat with! He gives us some real advice about how startup communities form, join in together to support each other – and how Israel has become Number 2 in producing innovation after Silicon Valley!

Douglas Richard from School for Startups in UK shares his Asia Perspective

Michael MicheliniCorporate, Investment, Podcast0 Comments

GFA010. We’re in for a treat! This is a special 3 part series for the StartMeUp.Hk’s Venture Forum speakers. I was able to interview Doug right off the plane from London, getting some great insights on his experiences selling his company in USA, moving to UK to start an investment fund, getting to become a Dragon on Dragon’s Den and his new venture School for Startups.