10 Things You Need To Know About China Sourcing

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Manufacturing2 Comments

Looking to make your first order from a Chinese factory? Or maybe you’re currently doing it and still crossing your fingers that it is going along well. Here are some tips I have learned over the years from my own experience and experts in the field. Find out some really helpful tips for sourcing in China.

It’s Coming – It’s Here! Factory to Consumer

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce12 Comments

If you are a product based business, listen up! Chinese factories have been working harder and harder to go direct to end consumer. They are working hard to learn how to do their own brands and build up their own distribution. Today, we will go through what is happening and what you can do.

Evolution of Amazon and Sourcing from China with Peter Zapf

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast2 Comments

GFA111. When I was doing e-commerce ten years ago (wow, that long…) it was all about your own website, and using eBay a 2nd channel. Then Amazon came and was another secondary channel – but now seems like people don’t even have shopping carts anymore or even websites! For full show notes, check out GlobalFromAsia.com/episode111

Finding Products to Import / Sell in China

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Manufacturing2 Comments

Have the dream to sell in China? Tired of seeing everything in your home country as “made in China”? Hoping to level the playing field and get Chinese consumers to see “made in my home country” on their products? Then you are in luck, Chinese want your products!

Tips & Tricks During Your China Sourcing Endeavors w/ Manuel Becvar

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Manufacturing, Podcast2 Comments

GFA109. Let’s face it, sourcing in China or anywhere else for your business can be a little tricky. You have to make sure that you find a very good supplier among other stuff that you need to consider for your business. Today’s podcast we have Manuel from Import Dojo.com giving us some tips and tricks for electronics sourcing in China. For full show notes, check out GlobalFromAsia.com/episode109